编辑: 哎呦为公主坟 2019-07-03

2017 东华三院iBakery (上环店) 於3月28日正式开幕!新店位於香港上环普仁街,毗邻东华医院, 除了售卖由iBakery不同能力的员工手工制作的无添加面包、曲奇及蛋糕外,更为邻近居民 及上班族提供即制咖啡、简餐外卖及到会服务.

希望以小小一口美味,为社区带来点点不 同,并同时将iBakery聘用残疾人士、推动 「不同能力,同一热爱」 的共融理念,带入社区. Additive-free Delicious Pasteries of iBakery in Sheung Wan TWGHs iBakery (Sheung Wan) was officially open on

28 March 2017. Located at Po Yan Street, Sheung Wan, next to Tung Wah Hospital, the iBakery store offers quality pastry products and made-to-order coffee, take away as well as catering services for the neighbourhood. We aim to share the social inclusion belief of "Different Abilities, One Passion" through our additive- free, quality products handmade by our employees with different talents and abilities. 东华三院iBakery (上环店) 出售无添加 面包、曲奇及蛋糕. TWGHs iBakery (Sheung Wan) provides non-preservative bread, cookies and cakes. 东华三院iBakery (上环 店)推动「不同能力,同 一热爱」 的共融理念. TWGHs iBakery (Sheung Wan) promotes the social inclusion belief of "Different Ability, One Passion". 服务焦点 Service Focus 东华三院一直致力促进妇女的经济能力,本院属下5个社会服务单位及社会企业获妇女事 务委员会主办的 「促进妇女经济能力嘉许计划」 颁发奖项以示嘉许.其中,东华三院慧妍 雅集善膳轩、东华三院好当家 (沙田) 及东华三院心思良品分别荣获 「杰出计划奖」 ;

而东 华三院社区保姆邻里支援幼儿照顾计划 (油尖旺) 及东华三院大角咀麦太则分别荣获 「嘉许 状」 .此外,本院姚子梁社会服务总主任亦获邀以 「推动性别主流化」 为题,为是次颁奖礼 暨研讨会担任主讲嘉宾,分享在推动相关服务时的经验. Our Community Services and Social Enterprises Won Accolade on "Award Scheme in Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment 2017" TWGHs has dedicated to providing services to achieve women's economic empowerment. Five TWGHs community services and social enterprises were awarded by the "Award Scheme in Promoting Women's Economic Empowerment" organised by the Women's Commission. TWGHs Wai Yin Association Food-for-all Kitchen, TWGHs Versatile Care Services (Sha Tin) and TWGHs Smiling HeART were granted the "Outstanding Project Awards" whereas TWGHs Nanny Buddy Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project (Yau Tsim Mong) and TWGHs Tai Kok Tsui Mrs Mc received the certificates of commendation. Besides, Mr. Ivan YIU, Community Services Secretary of the Group, was invited as the guest speaker to share the experience of promoting gender mainstreaming in the social welfare sector. 东华三院社会服务及社会企业荣获 「促进妇女经济能力嘉许计划」 奖项 iBakery为上环注入无添加美味 姚子梁社会服务总主任担任颁奖礼暨研讨会主讲嘉宾 , 分享在推动性别主流化时的经验. Mr. Ivan YIU, Community Services Secretary, shared experiences of promoting gender mainstreaming in social welfare sector at the Award Presentation Ceremony cum Symposium. 心身机能活性运动疗法创办人小川真诚老师 (左) 教授本 院员工训练复康人士的技巧. Mr. Ogawa (left), the Founder of Physical and Mental Revitalization Therapy, taught TWGHs staff members techniques of conducting the Therapy with people with disabilities. 环保大使向东华三院姚达之 纪念小学 (元朗) 的学生介绍 清洁回收的步骤. Green ambassadors introduced the steps of clean recycling to the students of TWGHs Yiu Dak Chi Memorial Primary School (Yuen Long). 东华三院吕润财纪念中学的 学生对都固体废物收费实 施安排感兴趣. Students of TWGHs Lui Yun Choy Memorial College showed interests in the implementation arrangement for MSW charging. 环境保护署代表 (右一) 参观东华三院行政总部的环保摊位 . Representative (right 1) of the Environmental Protection Department visited the green booth at the TWGHs Administration Headquarters. 东华三院推行 「藉都市固体废物收费达致减废」 项目 环境局公布都固体废物收费最快於2019年下半年实施,并根肝壅咦愿丁乖,收费将按废物弃置量而厘定. 为在新收费推出前作好准备,东华三院成功获得环境及自然保育基金资助,率先於 2017年1月至10月期间进行 「藉都市固体废物收费达致减废」 项目,模拟实施都市固 体废物收费后的真实情况,以便本院及旗下单位可开发、预演及建议相关的作业指 引,从而让目标界别的废物产生者减少废物,共有12个属下服务单位及物业参与, 包括学校、社会服务单位、东华三院行政总部及其他物业.此外,项目将测试新的 废物收集模式,并推广清洁回收,让参与单位亲身了解 「多弃多付」 的原则,从而自 发减少产生废物,以减低处理废物的开支. TWGHs Services Units Participated In the "Community Involvement Project for Waste Reduction Through Quantity-based Municipal Solid Waste Charging" The Environment Bureau announced that Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Charging would be implemented in the second half of
