编辑: 紫甘兰 2019-07-02
新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.

xdf.cn/ 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/

2019 年6月四级真题(第一套) Part I Writing(30 minutes) 请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试. For this part, you are allowed

30 minutes to write a news report to your school newspaper on a volunteer activity organized by your Student Union to help elderly people in the neighborhood .You should write at least

120 words not more than

180 words. 【范文】 Young Volunteers Visited a Nursing Home Volunteers from our university visited a nursing home located in Hangzhou on June 14th, which was highly appraised by the elderly there. Upon the students'

arrival, tears of joy glistened in the seniors'

eyes when the young students presented them with well-prepared gifts. Then, the students talked to them one-on-one with kindness. Both the youth and the aged were willing to share their life stories, immersing in an atmosphere of joy. When it was time for the youngsters to leave, the elderly thanked them over and over again. And the volunteers expressed that they learned a lot and were all stunned by the optimism their elderly friends had for their future. According to Winston Churchill, a British statesman, we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. The visit not only enriches the seniors'

daily life, but also provides the youth with an opportunity to learn some important life lessons from the elderly residents. By Aria, school newspaper 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 【点评】 写作试题是考查考生综合运用英语语言的能力,四级写作试题对考生的要求也越 来越高.今年考查了新闻报道这一新的文章体裁,这也就意味着出题人更加强调学生 把考场作文和真实生活中的写作联系在一起,对于学生观察生活的能力提出了更高的 要求――注意到新闻的格式和内容安排的特点.一方面,新闻报道需要写出标题和落 款,标题注意简洁明了,落款既要写出人名还要按照新闻报道的格式写出 by sb.,最 后还要写出所在的新闻机构.另一方面,在内容上,分三段进行写作,第一段写导语, 点明事件的基本情况(时间、地点、事件、人物、目的或意义) ;

第二段写经过(一般 按照时间顺序进行书写,同时可以对其中一个小事进行特写,中间还可以穿插人物采 访) ;

第三段写对这一事件,人物的看法、想法和观点. 在体裁上虽然不同于以往四级命题的规律,但是万变不离其宗的是仍然把学生对 英语语言能力的运用能力作为考查重点.综观近五年的四级写作命题趋势,无论是要 说明理由、解释原因、阐明影响,第一段的功能始终都是引入,这跟新闻报道的第一 段写导语是一致的,所以考生可以结合以往作文的行文思路作为切入点书写新闻报道. 第二段是浓墨重彩的一段,而新闻报道与普通作文的区别是更侧重事实,所以要求考 生在书写的时候只需要客观写出事情的起因、经过、结果即可.第三段无论是以往的 作文还是新闻报道,都需要给出总结(对事件的看法和观点) ,在新闻报道的结尾段作 出对事件的评价和写出所的感悟就可以了. 今年考查的话题是养老院、 农场和当地小学, 与考生的生活比较贴近,在写作时, 列举的例子应较为典型,这样阅卷老师很容明白考生文中所描述的内容.同时,考生 对这个例子也应很熟悉,能够熟练运用一些有关的词或短语,这样下笔时才会有话可 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 说,从而将相关的背景知识与正确的语言表达有效地结合起来.这些话题与大学生的 生活息息相关.这些话题对于考生而言都会有话可说,并且能够提出一定的看法和观 点. Part
