编辑: 865397499 2019-06-20
个人简历 基本信息 名字 杨国靖 职称 副教授 专业 环境工程、环境科学 E-mail guojing_yang@163.

com Tel. +86-574-88222679 Fax. +86-574-88222991 工作经历及教育背景 09/2014- 至今 硕士生导师,浙江万里学院 12/2012- 至今 副教授,浙江万里学院 10/2007- 11/2012 讲师,浙江万里学院 09/2005- 09/2007 助教,浙江万里学院 09/2002- 06/2005 硕士,环境工程,湖南大学,长沙 09/1998- 06/2002 本科,环境工程,湖南大学,长沙 教学经历 ? 浙江万里学院 本科课程:水污染控制工程(2007-至今). 环境监测(2006C至今). 环境工程学(2006C至今). 固体废物处理与处置(2006C至今). 科研方向 ? 污水、污泥处理与资源化:好氧污泥颗粒化技术研究及应用;

污水脱氮除磷的新 工艺及智能控制;


污泥发酵产 酸. ? 新型污染物的环境行为及控制技术:POPs、PPCPs、EDCs、PFCs 等新型污染物在 水体和土壤中的环境行为及影响;

废水中 PPCPs 等污染物降解技术与原理. 论文及著作(2004C 2016) 1.Dongbo Wang, Guojing Yang, Xiaoming Li, et al. Inducing Mechanism of Biological Phosphorus Removal Driven by the Aerobic/Extended-Idle Regime. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2012, 109(11): 2798-2807. 2.Tianjing Zeng, Guojing Yang, Dongbo Wang, et al. Microbial community analysis involved in the aerobic/extended-idle process performing biological phosphorus removal. Water Sci. & Technol., 2013, 67(3):485-493. 3.Guojing Yang, Xiaoming Li, Qi Yang, et al. Simultaneous phosphorus and nitrogen removal by aerobic granular sludge in single SBR system,In: Bathe S., de Kreuk M. K., Mc Swain B.S. and Schwarzenbeck N., editors,Water and Environmental Management Series, 2005, 71-78, IWA Publishing. 4.Guojing Yang, Xiaoming Li, Qi Yang, et al. Formation and characteristics of aerobic granular sludge for simultaneous phosphorus and nitrogen removal in a SBR. Adv. Mater. Res., 2012, 356:1630-1636. 5.Kun Luo, Qi Yang, Jing Yu, Guojing Yang, et al. Combined effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate and enzyme on waste activated sludge hydrolysis and acidification. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(14): 7103-7110. 6.Kun Luo, Qi Yang, Xiaoming Li, Guojing Yang, et al. Hydrolysis kinetics in anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge enhanced by α-amylase. Biochem. Engineer. J., 2012, 62: 17-21. 7.Kun Luo, Qi Yang, Xiaoming Li, Hongbo Chen, Xian Liu, Guojing Yang, et al. Novel insights into enzymatic- enhanced anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge by three-dimensional excitation and emission matrix ?uorescence spectroscopy. Chemosphere, 2013, 91(5): 579-585. 8.Qilin Wang, Jing Sun, Chang Zhang, GuoJun Xie, Jin Qian, Guojing Yang. Polyhydr- oxyalkanoates in waste activated sludge enhances anaerobic methane production throu gh improving biochemical methane potential instead of hydrolysis rate. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 19713. 9.Li Xiaoming, Xie Shan, Yang Qi, Yang Guojing, et al. Cultivation of aerobic granular sludge and its application in simultaneous nitrification and denitrification, Trans. of Nonferr. Met. Soci. of China, 2004, 14(sp1): 104-108. 10.杨国靖,李小明,曾光明. SBR 系统同步脱氮除磷好氧颗粒污泥的培养. 中国给水 排水, 2008,24 (9):33-37. 11.杨国靖,李小明,曾光明等.利用好氧颗粒污泥实现同时除磷脱氮.中国给水排水, 2005, 21(2): 18-22. 12.杨国靖,李小明,曾光明等. 好氧颗粒污泥实现同步除磷脱氮的试验研究. 湖南大 学学报(自然科学版), 2005, 32(3): 97-100. 13.杨国靖,李小明,曾光明等. 一体化除磷脱氮技术―反硝化除磷. 环境科学与技术, 2005, 28(2): 107-109. 14.杨国靖,李小明,曾光明等. 好氧颗粒污泥同步除磷脱氮研究的新进展. 工业用水 与废水,2004,35(6):10-13. 15.沙昊雷,杨国靖,夏静芬.UV-生物过滤联合降解苯乙烯的研究.环境科学,2013,34 (12):4701-4705. 16.谢珊,李小明,曾光明,杨国靖等. SBR 系统中好氧颗粒污泥脱氮特性研究. 中国 环境科学, 2004, 24(3): 355-359. 17.廖德祥,李小明,曾光明,杨国靖等.全程自养脱氮新工艺.中国给水排水,2004, 20(4): 31-33. 18.廖德祥,李小明,曾光明,杨麒,杨国靖. 单级 SBR 生物膜中全程自养脱氮的研究. 中国环境科学, 2005, 25(2): 222-225. 社会活动及学术兼职 1.宁波市"五水共治"专家组成员(2014 年-现在);
