编辑: QQ215851406 2019-03-14
SPICE BAZAAR 这个名字源自于自古以来中国西北地区少数民族对于香料的热爱.

地域辽 阔、物产丰富的新疆土壤中孕育出独特的烹饪方式和饮食文化.我们热爱并希望能传承纯正 的新疆风味,同时我们也将竭力为食客呈现更现代的民族美食和别具一格的艺术美感. 餐厅的设计力求平衡简约风格与异域氛围,每家店铺会采用不同的主色调,再在整体品牌上 实现风格统一.大面积的使用纯色而不同材质的墙面地砖组合,点缀以金色的灯饰及线条, 巧妙在空间中加入新疆手工制品,为食客打造一个更时尚更舒适的新疆餐厅. 我们一直坚持从原产地挑选优质食材,在保留传统的新疆菜式之外,结合经典和创新的做法, 使菜品更加健康和独具 SPICE BAZAAR 的风情. "Spice Bazaar " the name of our boutique Xinjiang Restaurant, was inspired by the passion of spice from ancient time to the present. We are committed to promote the cuisine, the art and the culture of the Chinese northwest ethnic minorities and to explore a simple ecological health ingredients and spices. While maintaining the pure taste and style, Spice Bazaar always keeps itself updated and provides a modern ethnic cuisine and artistic aesthetic. The overall concept was inspired by the gorgeous culture and unique traditional diet of Chinese northwest ethnic. For the represent of the most genuine taste of Xinjiang cuisine, Spice Bazaar strictly uses the premium and very selected ingredients from their origins only. They always keep the traditional, classical dishes of Xinjiang Cuisine, while they select some western ingredients to create a more healthy and tasty innovative dishes. 本店为清真餐厅 谢绝自带食品入内 THIS IS A HALAL RESTAURANT, NO OUTSIDE FOOD PLEASE. 羊肉来自新疆 [ 阿吾斯奇牧场 ] 新鲜直供 天然 健康 无污染 营养全面 ALL OUR LAMB IS FROM XINJIANG AWUSIQI RANCH 新疆烤串 Charcoal Grilled Skewer 腌制羊肉串 Traditional lamb skewer 混合洋葱、鸡蛋、香料的传统方法腌制 招牌 烤羊法排 Premier lamb chops (两块

2 pieces) ? 68/ 份 烤鸡肉串 Chicken ? 10/ 串?10/ 串 烤羊腰 Lamb kidney ? 30/ 串 原味红柳羊肉串 Big lamb skewer on willow stick 选用优质羊肉,仅使用盐进行调味 回味带有红柳枝的独特香气 ? 18/ 串Top10 Dishes 沙湾大盘鸡 Traditional big plate chicken 手抓羊排 Spring water boiled lamb chop 手抓饭 Rice pilaf 烤包子 Samsa 超浓手工酸奶 Home - made yogurt 丁丁炒面 Chopped noodles 羊肉汤 Uyghur lamb broth 薄饼卷羊肉 Diced lamb with thin pancake 腌制羊肉串 Traditional lamb skewer 新疆凉皮 Xinjiang style rice noodles 招牌 必点 小凉菜 Appetizer 新疆凉皮

29 Xinjiang style rice noodles 椒麻鸡

48 Pepper flavoured chicken salad 巴达木拌薄荷叶

36 Mint leaves and Badam(Almond)salad 青瓜樱桃萝卜拌鹰嘴豆泥

36 Radish & cucumber salad with hummus 农场蔬菜沙拉

39 Mixed green salad with lentil and roasted pumpkin 老虎菜 ( 皮辣红 )

22 Uyghur Salad (tomato, green pepper and onion) 凉拌牛肉

36 Cold beef slices with tofu and chilli 香葱拌木耳

28 Black fungus with chives 烧椒拌茄子

29 Grilled eggplant with grilled bell pepper 线椒羊肚

32 Lamb tripe in spicy sauce 菠菜面筋

26 Mixed spinach and gluten in sour sauce 新疆凉皮 ?

29 Xinjiang style rice noodle 最受欢迎的凉菜 新鲜凉皮,每日纯手工制作 汤底包含

40 种以上原料 搭配正宗秦椒辣椒油 招牌必点 招牌 椒麻鸡 ?
