编辑: 静看花开花落 2018-12-13

4 1.

What is the positioning of S3? S3 的定位是甚麽?4 2. What does the S3 Scanner measure? S3 扫描仪测量的是甚麽?4 3. What is the difference between the S2 and the S3? S2 和S3 有甚麽分别?4 S3&

iPad Mini.5 4. Does the S3 work with Android, a PC laptop, Windows or another computer device? S3 能用於安卓、手提电脑、Windows 或其他电脑装置吗?5 5. Can I use the S3 with my iPhone, iPad or Apple computer? 我能透过 iPhone, iPad 或苹果电脑使用 S3 吗?5 Scanning with the S3 使用 S3 进行扫描.6 6. Are there any cables with the S3? S3 需要任何有线传输系统吗?6 7. How does the S3 connect to the iPad mini? S3 怎样连接至 iPad mini?6 8. How many iPad mini can be linked to a S3 at a time? 一台 S3 一次能与几台 iPad mini 连接?6

2 9. Can I use S3 with WiFi? 我能透过 WiFi 使用 S3 吗?6 10. Do I need internet to scan? 我需要网络来进行扫描吗?6 11. How long does it take to warm up and calibrate the S3? 需要多少时间去暖机及校正 S3?7 12. What is the power need of the S3? S3 的电压需求是多少?7 13. How long does it take to be scanned by the S3 Scanner? S3 扫描需要多长时间?..

7 14. How long am I able to scan without charging the S3? S3 充满电后能使用多久? ..

7 15. Which materials do I need to perform a scan? 我需要甚麽东西来进行扫描?7 16. Am I able to use S2 Scan Cards to scan with the S3? 我可以使用 S2 扫描卡去进行 S3 扫描吗?7 17. Am I able to read the barcode from the Scan Card with the iPad mini? 我可以用 iPad mini 读取扫描卡上的条码吗?8 18. How often do I have to upload S3 scan records? 我需要多久上传一次 S3 扫描记录?8 19. Am I able to use the S3 App in my own language? 我可以以我的语言使用 S3 App 吗?8 20. Can I check my scan records on the iPad mini? 我可以在 iPad mini 上查询我的扫描记录吗?8 21. Is there any score variability? 扫描分数是否存在差异?9 22. Why I score differently on S2 Scanner compared to the S3? 为什麽我在 S2 和S3 上测出的分数不一样?9 23. Why is my score different on two different S3 scanners? 为什麽我的分数在两台 S3 上不一样?10

3 S3 Support S3 帮助.10 24. In case of problems, will I get an error code on the S3? 如有问题,S3 会显示错误码吗?10 25. Will I get technical support for the iPad mini? 我将会得到 iPad mini 的技术支援吗?11 26. How will the service of broken Scanners or iPad mini be provided? 对损毁的扫描仪或 iPad mini 将提供怎样的服务?11 27. How can I upgrade IOS on iPad mini? 我怎样更新 iPad mini 的IOS?11 28. How can I upgrade the S3 App? 我怎样更新 S3 APP?11 29. After I installed the Scanner App I receive a message that the App is not trusted. What do I do? 我在安装 S3 App 后收到一条信息,显示该 App 未被信任 . 我该怎麽做?12

4 General 一般问题 1. What is the positioning of S3? S3 的定位是甚麽? The S3 is the next generation of business innovation. It still measures the same thing as the S2: the carotenoids level in the skin. It is positioned as an evolution because it is smaller, faster and portable. It helps you to do business in an easier and more effective way. S3 是新一代的商业创新.它仍然跟 S2 测量同样的指标: 皮肤中的类胡萝卜素指数. 它被定位为一种 进化 ,因为它更小,更快,更便於携带.它帮助您以一个更简单 和更有效的方法来拓展业务. 2. What does the S3 Scanner measure? S3 扫描仪测量的是甚麽? Like the S2, the S3 measures the carotenoids level in the skin by scanning the palm of the hand and using the Raman Spectroscopy technology. 跟S2 一样 , S3 使用拉曼共振光谱法 , 通过扫描手掌来测量皮肤中的类胡萝卜素指数. 3. What is the difference between the S2 and the S3? S2 和S3 有甚麽分别? S2 S3
