编辑: cyhzg 2018-09-16
免责声明 欢迎您访问 MT 律师事务所网站.

MT 律师事务所是一家总部设在美国的综合律师事务所.本网站的信息和材料( 在线咨 询 和 订阅我们的电子快报 包括在内)仅供您的参考,不构成律师对网站访问者和信息 接收者的法律意见或者建议. 由于每个情况各不相同,您应就具体问题咨询有牌照的相 关专业律师,而不应就本网站的信息和材料采取或不采取任何行动,也不应被视为网站访 问者与 MT 律师事务所建立了律师客户关系. 本网站包含的信息和资料,可能未反映当前最新的法律发展. MT 律师事务所不保证或担 保本网站信息和链接至其他网站上内容的准确性,完整性,充分性或及时性. MT 法律师 事务所明确拒绝承担所有责任,网站访问者和信息接收者不应就本网站的任何内容采取或 不采取行动.您应知晓该网站内容适用于律师和律所宣传,之前的法律业绩和成果并不能 保证后续法律事宜的结果. 除非 MT 律师事务所的律师团队明确授权,请不要将敏感或隐私信息发送给我们. 只有 当MT 律师事务所和客户签署合同后,双方才建立了律师客户关系.如果您通过电子邮件 与MT 律师事务所取得了联系,您应知晓互联网邮件安全性的不确定因素. 发送未加密 的敏感或机密邮件信息,您自行承担互联网的不确定性和缺乏隐私的风险. MT 律师事务所的律师只在相关被授权的领域从事司法和法律工作. 目前,MT 律师事务 所可在马萨诸塞州,纽约州和加利福尼亚州从事法律服务. 本网站链接至其他网站的内容仅供参考,该等网站可能由第三方控制或制作,MT 律师事 务所不就其中的任何资料承担责任. 未经我们书面同意,您不得就本网站的全部或部分信息和资料进行复制、修改、分发、再版、重发、展示和演示. 如果您对本网站的内容有任何疑问或意见,请发送电子邮件至 info@mtlawllc.com 或致电 (800)345-1899. Disclaimer The information and materials on this website are provided by MT Law LLC and our California office, MT Law PC ( MT Law ) for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter under any circumstances. Because facts and circumstances are different in every situation, you should seek professional legal advice from licensed attorney and should not take, or refrain from taking, any action based on information and materials on this website. Neither this website nor your use thereof creates an attorney-client relationship between you and MT Law. The content of this website contains general information and may not reflect current legal developments. MT Law does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness, adequacy or currency of the information contained in or linked to this website. MT Law expressly disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any content of this website. You are advised that content on this website constitutes attorney advertising and that prior results do not guarantee outcome of any subsequent subject matter. Unless otherwise expressly authorized by our attorneys, please do not send confidential or sensitive information to us because your communication may not be treated as privileged or confidential prior to engagement of counsel. We accept clients only after written agreement agreed by both MT Law and the prospective clients. If you communicate with MT Law by e- mail, you should note that the security of Internet e-mail is uncertain. By sending sensitive or confidential e-mail messages that are not encrypted, you accept the risks of such uncertainty and possible lack of confidentiality over the Internet. Third party content may appear or may be accessible via links from this website. The presence third party content or links is not endorsement of such content by MT Law. MT Law is not responsible for and assumes no liability for any third party content. MT Law attorneys practice law only in jurisdictions and areas of practices where MT Law attorneys are properly authorized to do so. MT Law attorneys are admitted to practice only in Massachusetts, New York, and California. Reproduction, modification, distribution, republication, retransmission, display and/or performance of information and material, in whole or in part, contained on this website is prohibited without prior written permission by MT Law. If you have any questions or comments regarding the contents of this website, please email MT Law at info@mtlawllc.com or call us at (800) 345-1899. CONTROLIING LANGUAGE. This disclaimer has been written in both English and Chinese. The parties hereby agree that the English version is the original and controlling language of this disclaimer. The parties hereby agree that any discrepancy or controversy regarding the interpretation, content, or meaning of any of the provisions of the English version as compared to the Chinese version, the English version shall control. 语言声明:此免责声明以中英文编写.双方认可以英文版为准. 双方特此声明,在翻 译、内容、英文条款的意义中存在的任何差异或争议,均以英文版为主. ........
