编辑: yn灬不离不弃灬 2018-05-25

sunisland.asia 更多信息请垂询: +

86 21 - 6186-9650 reservations@sunisland.asia 上海市青浦区朱家角镇沈太路

2588 号 邮编

201714 上海市长宁区淮海西路

666 号中山万博国际中心

1002 室 邮编

200052 Room 1002, City Point & M - Town,

666 Huaihai West Road, Changning District, Shanghai

200052 2588 Shentai Road, Zhujiajiao Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China

201714 FOOD & NUTRITION 美食精选婚宴 WEDDING 上海太阳岛坐拥沙质细腻的沙滩,俯瞰水色翠绿的泖河,北欧风情的度假村别墅错落其中,千年泖塔和悠悠泖河的美景相伴,这座上海唯一的 天然岛屿就是一个童话式的婚礼殿堂.无论是沙滩、棕榈与草坪,都仿佛充满了神圣的梦幻感. 在苍翠绿意的环抱下,邀请亲友们回归自然, 共同见证这一生中最甜蜜幸福的时刻! Let Sun Island be the place to witness and celebrate the most auspicious day of your life! It can be at the Little Green Space for a bright and warm reception, moving on to the beach front wave pool for a romantic ceremony and ending the night at our Mao Grand Ballroom with a grand dinner for family and friends. Looking for a unique outdoor wedding venue? Choose ?om our Mahota Farm or Lakeside Barbecue, bound to give your guests a relaxng and unforgettable night. 湖畔烧烤 LAKESIDE BBQ Enjoy outdoors view of a lake, and put your barbecue skills to test! We provide equipment, ingredients and good music! Order our Lunch or Dinner set menu which consists of a fusion of western and Chinese marinated seafood and meats.*Reserve our dinner menu in advance!* Seating Capacity:

224 容纳人数:224 湖畔烧烤位于人鱼码头,配备全新的露台与烧烤炉.大厨们悉心研发的烤物延续经典,又有创新突破,让您摇身一变成米其林厨师!音乐配篝 火,繁星下拉手起舞,无限美好. * 以上餐厅仅限预约 Opening Hours: 营业时间:10:00―22:30 10:00--22:30 在这里您既能欣赏到高尔夫球场的美景,又能品尝到营养丰富中西结合的自助式早餐,美好的一天从这里开启!同时 提供自助式午餐和晚餐的团队用餐服务. What better way to start the day than with the nutrition-rich breakfast while taking in breathtaking view over the whole golf course? Buffet lunch and dinner for groups are also available. 长泖自助餐厅 MAO BUFFET RESTAURANT Opening Hours: 07:00 C 09:30 for breakfast Advanced booking is required except for breakfast. 营业时间:早餐07:00-09:30,其他时间用餐请提前预约. Seating Capacity:

300 容纳人数:300 容纳人数:160 Seating Capacity:

160 营业时间:11:00-21:00 Opening Hours : Daily 11:00 C 21:00 阳光房餐厅是一座在露天平台上建起的全玻璃阳光房.宽敞明亮,提供 美味健康的海派本帮菜,广受度假客人和商务团队的青睐. 户外露台临靠香花香草园, 景色怡人.为各种创意活动提供充足的空间, 是举办户外烧烤和酒会派对的首选. Enjoy a wide selection of healthy fusion Shanghainese food in a glass house which is located at the Upper Deck of the Clubhouse. The Upper Deck which is surrounded by the herb garden is the best choice for any creative & customized activities including BBQ, cocktail party, alfresco corporate event and etc... 阳光中餐厅 SUNSHINE CHINESE RESTAURANT 瀑布餐厅是度假客人和高尔夫会员食用简餐的热门场所.餐厅提供正宗的 东南亚、日本和韩国菜肴,满足各地宾客的不同口味. With the panoramic view of the golf course, the Waterfall Café is a great dining option for golfers and travelers to savor Asian delights C Southeast Asian, Japanese and Korean cuisines. 瀑布餐厅 WATERFALL RESTAURANT 容纳人数:200 Capacity:
