编辑: Cerise银子 2018-03-01

74 成都富力丽思卡尔顿 THE RITZ-CARLTON, CHENGDU 成都富力丽思卡尔顿 THE RITZ-CARLTON, CHENGDU 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店毗邻天府广场,地处成都古代皇城中心 位置,是丽思卡尔顿酒店管理集团在西南地区的首家奢华旗舰店.

酒店设计时尚简约,设计灵感源于成都两千多年的厚重历史文化,古典 美和现代感在细节间自然展现.酒店将成都独特的茶文化融入客人 体验当中,住客于其中可体会现代摩登方式演绎的独一无二的个性化 体验. 三间独具风格的餐厅,呈现环球美食盛宴. FLAIR 餐厅酒吧, 拥有城中独一无二超大露台,打造云上私密就餐体验.2300平方米 的丽思卡尔顿水疗以及健身中心,轻松享受"大隐隐于市"的活力 焕发体验. 酒店拥有353间客房,包含54间套房和1间总统套房,住客可 尽览成都市中心繁华景致.房间设计灵感源自成都传统老街院巷,将 东方韵味巧妙融入摩登奢华当中.客人不仅能感受到丽思卡尔顿个性 化服务,亦能体会用摩登现代方式演绎的独特成都茶文化.客房内采 用了 TOTO 诺锐斯特智能全自动坐便器,住客于此能轻松享受,现代 化科技带来的智能化舒适生活. The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu is located near the city's central Tianfu Square as the first luxury flagship hotel in the southwestern region of China by Ritz-Carlton Management Group. The design of the hotel is full of minimalism, which is inspired by two thousand years of rich history in Chengdu culture. A kind of classical beauty from the modern elements are naturally expressed by the details. The historic tea culture of Chengdu weaves its way through the guests'experiences of the hotel. The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu offers guests a modern sophistication with traditional touches as well as memorable and diverse global dining opportunities at each of its three restaurants. Through the biggest terrace in town, a unique and intimate dining experience is provided at FLAIR lounge. Guests can also find relaxation and wellness at the 2,300 square meters full-floor luxury Ritz-Carlton SPA and Fitness Center. With

353 guest rooms,

54 suites and one presidential suite, the luxury hotel features unmatched views of downtown Chengdu. The design concept is inspired by the traditional lane of Chengdu, and it integrates oriental taste with modern luxury. Not only the personal service, but also the influence of tea culture can be found throughout the luxury hotel. Lastly, TOTO's NEOREST series are equipped to offer every guest an intelligent comfortable stay brought by state-of-the-art technology. 商务旅游 成都富力丽思卡尔顿 THE RITZ-CARLTON, CHENGDU

75 76 商务旅游 项目简介 国家 / 地区 项目类型 隶属 房间数 采用产品 中国 五星级酒店 万豪国际酒店管理集团

353 间 坐便器:TOTO诺锐斯特CES9683JCS 卫洗丽:TCF6231CSV6 Details Country/Area Category Owner Rooms Product number CHINA Hotel ***** MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, INC.

353 Toilet:TOTO NEOREST CES9683JCS Washlet:TCF6231CSV6

77 78 成都富力丽思卡尔顿 THE RITZ-CARLTON, CHENGDU 商务旅游
