编辑: 学冬欧巴么么哒 2018-02-28
国际中医中药杂志2019年6月第41卷第6期Int J Trad Chin Med, June 2019, Vol.

41, No.6?655・ ? ・药用真菌・ 桦褐孔菌的中医性味功效探析 张文彭

1 Zhang Yin2

1 中国中医科学院研究生院,北京 100700;

2 哈佛医学院及附属布莱根和妇女医院,波士顿 MA02115 通信作者:张文彭,Email: 168zhwp@sina.com,

电话:010-59459827 【摘要】 本文根据苏联及俄罗斯有关桦褐孔菌的研究资料及国内近

20 年的研究概况,结合笔者近

30 年的应用体会,参考历代文献有关白桦树成分入药的记载,按中医理论对桦褐孔菌作用进行分析.研 究认为,桦褐孔菌味微苦、性偏凉;

功效以扶正为主,体现在具有一定的益气养血、滋阴生津、健脾和 胃、滋肝补肾及养心安神作用;

兼以祛邪,体现在具有一定的清热解毒、疏肝解郁、活血散结作用. 【关键词】 药用真菌;



功效 基金项目:延边大学医学部基础医学院吉林省教育厅资助项目(2008-14) DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-4246.2019.06.025 Understanding of traditonal Chinese medicine flavor effect of inonotus obliquus Zhang Wenpeng1 , Zhang Yin2

1 Graduate School, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;

2 Brigham and Women'

s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston MA02115, USA Corresponding author: Zhang Wenpeng, Email: 168zhwp@sina.com, Tel: 010-59459827 【Abstract】 According to the literatures of the former Soviet Union and Russia about inonotus obliquus (commonly known as chaga), and the research progress in the past

20 years in China, and the author'

s 30-year experience on inonotus obliquus'

clinical application, and the records of medicinal properties of birch in ancient China literatures, the potential effect of inonotus obliquus is analyzed according to traditional Chinese medicine theory. It is believed that the taste of inonotus obliquus is slightly bitter and cold. The main effect of inonotus obliquus is strengthening the body resistance, the specific benefits of which include nourishing qi, nourishing blood, nourishing yin, tonifying spleen, invigorating the spleen and stomach, nourishing liver, tonifying kidney and nourish the heart and calm the nerves. The effect of inonotus obliquus also includes eliminate evil (pathogenic factors), with clearing heat and detoxicating, soothing liver and relieving stagnation, and promoting blood circulation and resolving hard lump. 【Key words】 Medicinal fungi;

Inonotus obliquus;

Nature and Flavour (TCD);

Efficacy Fund program: Special Cooperation Project of Inonotus Obliquus by School of Medicine, Yanbian University, and Department of Education, Jilin Province (2008-14) DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-4246.2019.06.025

20 世纪

90 年代初期, 俄罗斯药食两用真菌桦 褐孔菌逐渐受到关注.根据国内外对桦褐孔菌临 床康复养生应用的研究成果及笔者近

30 年的应用 体会,现对桦褐孔菌中医性味功效认识进行探析.

1 桦褐孔菌及白桦树传统医学药用概况 1.1 桦褐孔菌应用及研究概况 桦褐孔菌是白桦树上多年生真菌,属多孔菌 族.中文名称为白桦茸、桦树菇.俄文名称: Чага(中文音译:恰噶).在俄罗斯民间传统医药 学史学资料中,有许多桦褐孔菌的康复治疗与养 生作用的记载,如公元

12 世纪弗拉基米尔大公罹 患唇癌,嘴唇肿胀,在服用桦褐孔菌汤剂后症状 改善;

东斯拉夫人运用桦褐孔菌(代茶饮)治疗胃 部、肾脏、肺部、皮肤、妇科等方面的疾病及肿 瘤;
