编辑: gracecats 2017-09-16
叉烧蛋批 - BBQ Pork Quiche 材料 Ingredients 急冻酥皮, 解冻

1 包Frozen puff pastry, thawed

1 pack 极上烧腊系列 - 叉烧, 切粒 ? 杯Premium BBQ Product C BBQ pork, diced ? cup 黄甜椒, 去籽切幼粒 ? 个Yellow bell pepper, seeded, finely diced ? pc 红甜椒, 去籽切幼粒 ? 个Red bell pepper, seeded, finely diced ? pc 橙甜椒, 去籽切幼粒 ? 个Orange bell pepper, seeded, finely diced ? pc 洋葱, 切碎 ? 杯Onion, finely chopped ? cup 鲜紫苏, 切碎

1 汤匙 Fresh basil, coarsely chopped

1 tbsp 蛋3只Egg

3 pcs 奶1?杯Milk

1 ? cup 盐?茶匙 Salt ? tsp 黑胡椒粉 少许 Black pepper some 车打芝士碎 依个人喜好 Cheddar cheese, shredded to your liking 步骤 Directions 1.

将酥皮放在铺有面粉平均压成批皮, 放在

8 寂棠诖 2. 预热h炉 400°F 3. 将混合物平均倒在已预备好的h盘内 4. 蛋奶打匀 盐及黑胡椒粉调味 备用 5. 洋葱炒香 加入甜椒炒软身 待凉备用 6. 熟菜铺在酥皮面团上 再放上叉烧粒 蛋液 洒上芝士碎 7. 放入h炉h

40 C

50 分钟或致批面呈金黄色 1. Roll out puff pastry evenly on a floured surface, Lay out and press pastry into 8" pie plate and crimp edges. Set aside 2. Preheat oven to 400°F 3. Beat the eggs with milk, season with salt and black pepper, set aside 4. Sauté onion until fragrant, add in bell peppers and sauté under tender, set aside and let cool slightly 5. Lay vegetables over pastry then diced BBQ pork, pour egg liquid over and sprinkle with cheese 6. Bake quiche for 40-50 minutes or slightly golden
