编辑: 烂衣小孩 2017-09-12

3 1. Of or pertaining to a social group within a cultural and social system that claims or is accorded special status on the basis of complex, often variable traits including religious, linguistic, ancestral, or physical characteristics. 2. Broadly characteristic of a religious, racial, national, or cultural group. 3. Pertaining to a people not Christian or Jewish;

heathen pagan (Morris,1969:450).

2 《美国传统英语字典》 (American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language)对tribe 的解释为: 任何形式由 若干村落、群伙、区域、血统世系或其他群体组成并分享共同祖先、语言、文化与姓氏的社会组织体系 (Any or various systems of social organization comprising several local villages, bands, districts, lineages, or other groups and sharing a common ancestry, language, culture, and name) (Morris,1969:1369) .我们可以看到,该词典对 ethnic 的解释与 tribe 很接近.

4 (traditional ethnic group)的浓重和深刻的 胎记 . 在抽象思维层面上,我们可以把 族群 的演变进程设立为具有不同时间跨度和不同时代特 征的两类模式. 第一类进程(图1)可看作一个长时间的历史演变.一个兼有血缘文化认同和某种程度的政 治认同的 传统族群 群体起初位于 演变原点 ,在随........
