编辑: glay 2017-08-02
Hand and Wrist Pain 手部痛症Appointments and Enquiries 查询及预约 To make an appointment with our orthopaedic specialist or for further enquiries, please call us or visit our website.

如欲进一步了解手部痛症,或预约本中心的骨科专科医生,请 与我们联络,或浏览本院网站. Telephone

电话: (852)

3651 8808 Email 电邮: patientservice@hkah.org.hk Website 网站: www.hkah.org.hk 彰显主爱 - 专业服务 个人关心 Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ - Professionally We Serve, Personally We Care Map 路线图 Hong Kong Adventist Hospital 香港港安医院 Address 地址 :

40 Stubbs Road, Hong Kong 香港司徒拔道40号Telephone 电话 :(852)

3651 8888 E-mail 电邮 :hkahinfo@hkah.org.hk Website 网站 :www.hkah.org.hk N-1412 Bus 巴士 Minibus 专线小巴 Taxi 计程车 6, 15,

66 76 41A,

63 19 Central Bus Station 中环巴士总站 Causeway Bay 铜锣湾 North Point 北角 Siu Sai Wan 小西湾 5,

26 24M Causeway Bay 铜锣湾 Admiralty 金钟 Available to and from the front entrance of Hospital 乘计程车可直达本院大门前 Parking 停车场 Parking is available for a fee for patients and visitors 本院设有收费停车场予病人及其家属使用 司徒拔道司徒拔道黄泥涌峡道宝云道回旋处 浅水湾跑马地山顶 湾仔 R e p u l s e B a y Happy Valley Peak Wan Chai

26 * Taxi & Minibus

26 are available to and from front entrance of hospital. 乘计程车及专线小巴26号可直达本院大门前 Causes: Usually caused by a fall onto an outstretched hand High Risk Group: Young, active sporting individuals who fall during their activities;

goal keepers. Symptoms: Partial swelling and pain at the base of thumb. The pain may be severe when moving the thumb or wrist, or when gripping objects. 成因: 通常因为跌倒而令手腕关节过度伸展和受压 高危人士: 需要做倒地动作的活跃青年运动员,例如足 球守门员. 徵状: 拇指连接手掌部位肿痛,活动拇指或手腕 时,又或握紧物件时,倍感痛楚. Scaphoid Fracture of the Wrist 手腕舟状骨骨折 Causes: A sprain is an injury to a ligament and is generally caused by a fall or a twisting injury. High Risk Group: Players of contact sport activities Symptoms: Pain and swelling in the wrist. There may also be grip weakness, snapping, or popping of the joints. 成因: 摔倒或扭动幅度过大,造成手腕韧带受伤 高危人士: 身体接触项目 (例如:美式足球和摔交等) 的运动员 徵状: 手腕肿胀、痛楚,也有可能握力减弱和关节 有「啪啪」响. Wrist Sprain 手腕扭伤 Hand and Wrist Pain Hand and Wrist Pain Your Professional Medical Team 您的专业医疗团 Hand Pain 甚麽是手部痛症? The use of computer keyboards, mobile phones, gaming controls, and other handheld devices in today's Information Age may lead to a variety of repetitive stress injuries. These often appear as pain in the hand or wrist. Pain lasting longer than six weeks is unlikely to be alleviated without treatment. 踏入资讯时代,都市人经常使用电脑键盘、手提电话、游戏把 手或其他手提电子仪器.手部和腕部因为经常重复动作而受压, 导致疼痛. 一旦疼痛持续超过六个星期,即表示有需要接受适当治疗. Our orthopaedic surgeons are experienced in the management of all types of hand and wrist conditions. Together with our professional therapist team and using the latest, most advanced treatment, we are here to help you on your road to a quick recovery. 香港港安医院骨科专科医生对治疗各类手部痛症具有丰富经验, 加上专业的治疗团,能提供各种先进的治疗,协助病人迅速 复原. 成因: 常见於妈妈身上,源於重复动作造成的手部 耗损,过去多数是因为更换尿片,现在则是 抱着婴儿喂奶. 高危人士: 中年妇女或新手妈妈 徵状: 痛楚一般见於手腕旁边近拇指的位置,可上 延至前臂.当大力握物或转动手腕 (如扭开 罐子) 时,拇指一边的手腕则感到痛楚. Causes: Once caused by the constant action of changing nappies, this condition is often developed by mothers in Hong Kong after cradling their babies during feeding. High Risk Group: New mothers or middle-aged women Symptoms: Pain may be felt over the thumb side of the wrist and can travel up the forearm. It is usually worse when the patient forcefully grasps objects or twists the wrist, such as when opening jar tops. Painful swelling may occur over the thumb side of wrist. Mother's Hand (De Quervain's Tendinosis) 妈妈手 (狭窄性腱鞘炎) Causes: Inflammation of the tendon in the palm across the knuckles High Risk Group: Diabetic patients, golfers. Symptoms: Difficulty in bending the finger into the palm, or fully straightening it. Often worse in the morning, the affected finger is often flexed and unable to straighten. When it is forced to straighten, a "click" is often felt in the palm. 成因: 手指关节与手掌的肌腱发炎. 高危人士: 糖尿病病人、高尔夫球球手. 徵状: 手指难以向掌心屈曲或完全伸直;
