编辑: 笨蛋爱傻瓜悦 2017-08-01
姓名 徐衡 性别 女 籍贯 安徽桐城 出生年月 1968.

11 邮箱 xuheng@aqnu.edu.cn 联系电话 0556-5708018 个人简介 现任安庆师范大学化学化工学院院长,教授,硕士生导师.安徽 省高等学校中青年学科带头人培养对象、省优秀中青年骨干教师,安 徽省石油化工标准化委员会副主任委员.主持、参加各类别项目二十 余项,正在主持产学研项目两项.主持省级质量工程项目两项,发表 SCI、EI 收录论文

40 余篇,授权发明专利

5 项. 研究方向: (1)有机合成;

(2)MOFs 基发光材料的分子设计、 制备及性质研究. 代表成果: 1. An unprecedented self-penetrating Cu(I)-MOF based on a new 1Dmeso-ladder + 2Dmeso-layer → 3D polycatenation subnet showing luminescent sensing for nitrobenzene. ICC, 2016,32 2. Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Properties of a Copper Coordination Polymer with Unprecedented Topology. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem., 2015,641(5) :948-952 3. Synthesis, Characterization, and Theoretical Calculations of Cadmium(II) Complex Based on 8-Aminoquinoline Ligand. Synthesis and Reac tivity in Inorganic,Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2015(45),1565C1569. 4. Mutual transformation between crystalline phases and dielectric properties of coordination polymers with the formula [Cd(N-methylimidazole)2(H2O)x (glutarate)]?nH2O ?x =

0 or 1;

n =

0 or 4). CrystEngComm., 2014(31) ,3. 5. Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Luminescence Property and DFT Calculations of a New Coordination Compound Containing 8-Aminoquinoline Ligand. Chin. J. Struct. Chem., 2013, 32(4), 545-549.
