编辑: 黎文定 2017-05-28
第32 卷第6期2019 年6月环境科学研究Research of Environmental Sciences Vol.

32?No.6 June?2019 收稿日期: 2018~02~05 修订日期: 2019~02~25 作者简介: 徐晨曦(1990~)?女?四川成都人?工程师?硕士?主要从事挥发性有机物污染防治研究?172626527@ qq.com. ?责任作者?陈军辉(1972~)?女?四川成都人?研究员?硕士?主要从事大气环境科学研究?9503062@ qq.com 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(No.2018YFC0214001) Supported by National Key Research and Development Project? China (No.2018YFC0214001) 宜宾市冬季挥发性有机物污染特征及来源 徐晨曦? 陈军辉? ? 韩丽? 王继钦 四川省环境保护科学研究院? 四川 成都

610041 摘要: 为了解宜宾市冬季 VOCs (volatile organic compounds?挥发性有机物)污染特征?于2016 年12 月选取宜宾市

2 个国控环境 监测点位?采集冬季环境空气 VOCs 样品?利用三级冷阱预浓缩仪~气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC~MS)测定大气中

89 种VOCs 物种? 分析 VOCs 体积分数及其物种组成情况?并对其主要来源进行识别. 结果表明:宜宾市区冬季环境空气中 φ(VOCs) 平均值为 35? 10*10-9 ?φ(VOCs)最高值和最低值分别为 67? 34*10-9 、20? 58*10-9 ?监测 VOCs 物种类别中芳香烃占比最高?其次为烷烃、卤 代烃?体积分数较大的 VOCs 物种主要为苯、甲苯、氯甲烷、二氯甲烷、异丁烷、异丙醇、正丁烷等. CMB (化学质量平衡)模型源解 析宜宾市冬季环境空气 VOCs 的六大主要贡献源分别为移动源、油气挥发源、溶剂使用源、工艺过程源、生物质燃烧源和其他源. 以2015 年为基准年?利用排放因子法对宜宾市 VOCs 进行排放量计算发现?宜宾市 VOCs 年排放量为 39? 54*103 t?其中?工艺过 程源、溶剂使用源、移动源、化石燃料燃烧源的贡献率分别为 35? 5%、24? 5%、28? 9%、8? 0%. 研究显示?对宜宾市冬季环境空气中 VOCs 贡献率较大的污染源分别为移动源、溶剂使用源、工艺过程源等? 关键词: VOCs? 体积分数? CMB? 源清单 中图分类号: X831 文章编号: 1001~6929(2019)06~1020~06 文献标志码: A DOI: 10? 13198Mj? issn? 1001~6929? 2019? 02?

11 Pollution Characteristics and Source Apportionments of Volatile Organic Compounds in Yibin City in Winter XU Chenxi? CHEN Junhui? ? HAN Li? WANG Jiqin Sichuan Academy of Environmental Sciences? Chendu 610041? China Abstract: In order to understand the characteristics of volatile organic compounds in Yibin City in winter? air samples were collected at two sites in December 2016. Eighty~nine species of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured by using pre~concentration~GC~MS method. This study investigated the volume fraction of VOCs and its ingredients. In addition? the main sources of VOCs were also identified. The results showed that the average volume fraction of VOCs was 35? 10*10-9 ? and the highest volume fraction was 67? 34*10-9 while the lowest volume fraction was 20? 58*10-9 . Aromatic hydrocarbons were the highest proportion in the monitored species category? followed by alkanes and halogenated hydrocarbons. Species with a large volume fraction were benzene? toluene? methyl chloride? dichloromethane? isobutene? isopropanol? n~butane and so on. Source apportionment for VOCs in Yibin City was taken by CMB model and emission inventory method. The CMB results indicated

6 major contribution sources of VOCs were vehicle source? hydrocarbon volatile source? solvent source? industry source? biomass burning. The results obtained from the emission inventory in
