编辑: 我不是阿L | 2017-02-23 |
Enterprise Risk management department of LongiGreen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. 投诉监督电话(TEL) :029-84193391/18089282003 投诉监督邮箱(EMAIL) : 报价单位回执 Receipt [email protected] 投诉微信平台(WECHAT) :longi_ar 以上内容我公司已知悉,并本着诚心合作的态度,报出了我公司的最优价格. We acknowledge receipt of your letter, and we offered our most favored price in good faith. 公司盖章处 Company Seal 年月日Date 隆基绿能科技股份有限公司 反商业贿赂承诺书Anti-Corruption Agreement 致隆基绿能科技股份有限公司及控股子公司: LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.: 为制止商业贿赂行为,维护双方的合法权益,我公司承诺做到以下事项: In order to prevent corruption and protect the good faith and interests of both parties, our company guaranteed as follows:
一、我公司通过正当途径开展相关业务工作,不会为取得不当利益向贵公司人员提供金钱、物品、有价证券及任何形式的馈赠. Our company will not conduct any commercial bribery in change of improper benefits to any employee of your company in the form of money, physical goods, stocks or marketable securities or any other method.
二、我公司不会在洽谈业务、签订经济合同过程中,邀请贵公司工作人员外出旅游、宴请或进 入营业性消费娱乐场所. Our company will not provide any consumption, including but not limited to banquet, entertainment, tourism, o any employee of your company during the process of business negotiation and conclusion of contract.
三、如发现有贵公司工作人员主动索取任何形式的回扣、消费和佣金,我公司会向贵公司集团 审计处举报并提供相关,贵公司有责任为我方举报人保密. In case of disclosing any conduct of your employee extort or accept bribes, our company will report such conduct to auditing department of your company, and provide relevant evidence. Your company shall keep the informer'
s identity confidential.
四、我公司同意,一旦发现我公司有违反上述承诺的,贵公司可以停止与我公司所有的商业合 作关系,涉嫌构成犯罪的,可以根据《中华人民共和国刑法》、《反不正当竞争法》等法律规定向 司法机关报案. Our company agreed that in case of violation of any above said guarantees, your company is entitled to cancellation of all the business co-operations and termination of any contracts. If such violation also commits crime, our company will report the commercial bribery to the state procuratorial organization 隆基绿能科技股份有限公司 according to Criminal Law of the People'
s Republic of China, The Law of the People'
s Republic of China Against Unfair Competition and other related laws.
五、我公司认同商业贿赂的定义是指 双方在合作期间,一方工作人员为促成交易或从另一方 取得更多的商业利益或更特殊的商业待遇而给予对方工作人员的个人回扣、礼品、馈赠、娱乐、招 待等价值超过
500 元的行为 . Our company agreed that Commercial Bribery shall mean any conduct of one party to any employee of the other party actively or passively during the process of business negotiation and conclusion of contract, providing the other party with rebate, gift, or entertainment higher than RMB500Yuan in terms of market value according to commercial practice. 公司(盖章)Company Seal 年月日Date 隆基绿能科技股份有限公司 供应商须知 尊敬的供应商: 为促进供需双方长期友好合作,规范采购活动及合同履行,请贵公司认真阅读本须知内 容,确认并同意隆基绿能科技股份有限公司及其控股子公司(以下简称 隆基集团 )关于采 购业务的有关要求.