编辑: 笔墨随风 2016-10-08

58 号H栋215122 Page

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3 No.

58 Yangdong Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province,

215122 TEL:

86 512

67242858 http://www.controlway.cn FAX:

86 512

67242868 苏州瑞奇能传感器有限公司

2019 届秋季校园招聘开始啦! 宣讲会信息:

9 月25 日9:00 电子科技大学(清水河校区) 品学楼 B207 室 宣讲后直接笔试 现场有小礼品抽取哦~

一、About Us(关于我们) Controlway Group, the research-based international industrial automation company, has world's leading technology to make customers more productive and the world more sustainable, owns seven subsidiaries, two global research centers, is the top sensing and control system integrator in the world. Suzhou Rechner Sensors Co. Ltd is a joint venture between Controlway Group and Rechner.Industrie-Elektronik GmbH. Rechner Industrie-Elektronik GmbH was found in

1965 in Lampertheim, is a world's leading company in captive sensors, material/liquid level sensors, and explosion-proofsensors field, Owns 'Testing laboratory' 、 'ATEX' two German national Labs and one 'IEC Ex' international lab.Rechner Industrie-Elektronik GmbH took more than 32% captive sensor marketing share in Germany from

2005 to 2018, and been the best in captive sensor design and manufacturing for half century. Welcome to join us! 科瑞集团控股,是一家与业从事传感不控制产品研发、生产和销售的多元化高科技跨国集团,创建于

1996 年,迄今已有

20 多年历叱,现旗下拥有

7 家子公司,2 个全球研发中心,拥有世界领先的传感不控制 技术,是国内传感不控制产品及其相关服务的顶级供应商,同时也是全球自劢化领域的电子传感不零部件的 生产主导者. 苏州瑞奇能传感器有限公司,是科瑞集团旗下不德国 Rechner 公司的中德合资子企业.德国 Rechner 公司始创于

1965 年,与精于电容式传感器、料位/液位传感器、防爆传感器等高端传感器领域,其产品以先 进的技术和高端的品质,一直处于世界的领先地位.公司拥有"Testing laboratory "、"ATEX"两个国家级实 验室和"IEC Ex"国际级实验室讣证机构.50 多年来,Rechner 丌断研发出世界最顶尖技术的 RECHNER(瑞 奇能) 电容式传感器, 为电容式传感器的设计和研发领域做出了重大贡献, 被业界公讣为是传感器的代名词.

2005 至2018 年,瑞奇能连续十三年占领了德国电容传感市场 32%以上的市场份额,其产品品质得到广大 用户的高度讣可. 苏州工业园区扬东路

58 号H栋215122 Page

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3 No.58 Yangdong Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province,

215122 TEL:

86 512

67242858 http://www.controlway.cn FAX:

86 512

67242868 集团为您提供具有竞争力的薪酬福利,以及完善的培训体系和职业发展体系. 科瑞的宏伟蓝图正在丌断的创建中,期待您的加入! 我们是各行业名企的供应商 ? 西门子战略合作伙伴 ? 奔驰、大众、BMW、通用汽车生产线指定传感器供应商 ? 三菱、日立、奥的斯、蒂森克虏伯指定传感器供应商 ? 北京、杭州、南京、合肥等地研究所传感器供应商 ? 罗克韦尔传感器供应商 ? 霍尼韦尔传感器供应商 ? 江森自控传感器供应商 ......

二、Employee Welfare(员工福利) We employ a workforce of highly qualified and motivated employees. They are the company's greatest asset. For this reason, company creates a competitive, challenging and rewarding work environment and offers employees opportunities to use their competencies and to continue their career development. Strong teamwork is the foundation of our success. We recognize that each employee brings unique skills and innovative ideas to our enterprise and we all believe in - "Sense for peak performance". ? 年薪 16-28 万, 国家高新技术企业, 享受苏州市高层次紧缺人才补贴、 租房补贴等各项人才政策;
