编辑: glay 2016-10-04

At the same time, adding water to form powerful flow of water to take a small proportion of the impurities and the foreign body away. The clean sand is taken by the blade from rotating impeller last into the material slot, complete the cleaning sand. X S D 系列洗砂机Sand WashingMachine Working Principle 工作原理 1.结构简单,叶轮传动轴承装置与水和受水物料隔离,大大避免了轴承因浸水、砂和污 染物导致损坏的现象发生;




04 1.The sand washing machine has simple structure, big gap between impeller transmission bearing system and water as well as raw materials, so that it protects the bearing from dipping into the water, sand and other pollutants. 2.Mid-fineness sand seldom lapses out. The grade and fineness of washed build sand can reach required standard. 3.There are no wearing parts except sieves. 4.Long service life and little maintenance. X S D 系列洗砂机Sand WashingMachine 性能特点 Features 产品规格 Specification 型号 叶轮规格 叶轮转速 处理量 进料边长 电机功率 减速机型号 外形尺寸 Model Wheel size(mm) Wheel Speed(r/min) Capacity(t/h) Feeding Size(mm) Power(kw) Reducer Model Dimension(mm) XSD-2610 2600x1000 1.178 20-50 ≤10 7.5 ZQ400-50-I-Z 3255x1982x2690 XSD-2816 2800x1600 1.177 30-60 ≤10 7.5-11 ZQ650-50-I-Z 3540x3000x2880 XSD-3016 3000x1600 1.179 50-120 ≤10 11-15 ZQ650-50-I-Z 3845x3000x3080 XSD-3620 3600x2000 1.15 80-160 ≤10 22-30 ZQ650-50-I-Z 4650x3700x2750 注:上海山启机械制造有限公司保留更改产品设计与规格的权利,届时恕不另行通知. Note: shunky machinery keeps the right of changes of design and specification;

Any change shall not be advised additionally.

05 产品图片 Product picture 生产现场 Products on site X S D 系列洗砂机Sand WashingMachine XSD2816 XSD3016 上海山启机械制造有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的专业的破碎筛分设备厂 商.公司自1996年成立以来,始终致力于矿山破碎设备、制砂设备和工业磨粉设备的研发和生产,包 括颚式破碎机,圆锥破碎机、反击式破碎机、立轴冲击破碎机(制砂机)、移动式破碎站和振动筛等主要 产品,为高速公路、铁路、水电、矿山开采等大型工程项目提供了诸多高端成套设备. 公司总部位于国际金融中心--上海.十几年的机械研发与生产经验、10余万平方米的生产基地、 专业的技术与近千人的服务队伍为上海山启打造百年基业提供了不竭动力.目前,上海山启机械制造有 限公司按照ISO9001:2000国际质量认证体系标准进行设计、生产、组装、检测.公司主要产品通过了 CE认证,销售网络不仅遍布湖南、山西、青海、新疆、广西、云南等国内几十个大中小城市,成套设备 也已出口到俄罗斯、蒙古、越南、斯里兰卡、沙特阿拉伯、黎巴嫩、卡塔尔、马来西亚、菲律宾、尼日 利亚、刚果、埃塞俄比亚、澳大利亚、秘鲁、巴西等几十个国家和地区,........
