编辑: yyy888555 2016-04-17

2018 -

2019 A-Level Courses A-level (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level), high school course in the UK, is an official course system for people in the UK, and students who finishes the course and exams will be awarded the general certificate of secondary education.

A-level exam results is a criteria for University application in the UK. A-level certificate is accepted by almost all universities that have courses taught in English around the world as a standard in university application. A-level course aims to provide students in China a valid path to enter universities abroad. Its goal is to prepare outstanding students in junior and senior high school to go to the world'

s top universities around the world and to prepare average students in junior and senior high school to enter first- class universities around the world. A-Level 课程 A-Level ( General Certificate of Education Advanced Level ),英国 高中课程,是英国全民课程体 系,是英国普通中等教育证书 考试高级水平课程,也是英国 学生的大学入学考试课程. A-Level 课程证书被几乎所有 英语授课的大学作为招收新生 的入学标准.A-Level 课程旨在为中国学生 提供进入国外大学的有效途 径,具体目标为:培养在国内 初高中成绩优秀的学生进入世 界顶尖大学;

培养在国内初高 中成绩中等的学生进入世界一 流大学;

培养在国内初高中成 绩一般的学生考取适合自己的 大学. About Our School 关于我们 In June 2010, Ulink Education Group cooperated with Suzhou Industrial Park Xinghai Experimental Middle School to found Ulink College of Suzhou Industrial Park. Authorized by the University of Cambridge International Examinations, Ulink College of Suzhou Industrial Park is an accredited CIE center and offers IGCSE, A- Level courses and CIE exams.

2010 年6月,领科教育集团与苏州工业园区 星海实验中学合作,创建苏州工业园区领科 海外教育学校(原星海国际课程中心),获 得剑桥大学国际考试委员会授权,成为从事 IGCSE 和ALEVEL 课程教学与考试的全日制 教育机构. In August 2015, Ulink College of Suzhou Industrial Park relocated to Dushu Lake Science, Education, Innovation District of Suzhou Industrial Park, which makes the school adjacent to

26 local and foreign universities and research institutions. Ulink College of SIP is endowed with exceptional advantages and conditions for development, helping students to achieve their academic accomplishment. There is a professional and devoted teaching faculty consisting of both local and foreign staff to fulfil the mission to cultivate competitive students who are provided with the scientific spirit, humanity quality and strong physique .

2015 年8月,苏州工业园区领科海外教育学校整体搬 迁至全国唯一的高等教育国际化示范区――独墅湖科教 创新区,办学条件跨上新台阶.学校与

26 所中外高校 为邻,并充分利用高校优越的教育资源,助力学生培养 学术素养;

专业敬业的中外教团队,全力完成具有 科学 精神、人文素养和强健体魄人才 的办学使命;

Ulink College of Suzhou Industrial Park has sent

300 graduates to world famous universities in the

5 past years and 70% of our students went to World Top

100 universities. We have

26 exam courses available together with non-exam courses that focus on cultivating students'

interest and abilities. We offer an all-round consulting service for student'
