编辑: AA003 2016-03-03
一份(不太)简短的 L A TEX2ε 介绍 或110 分钟了解 L A TEX2ε 英文作者: Tobias Oetiker Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl 英文版本: Version 6.

2, Februrary 28,

2018 中文翻译: CTEX 开发小组 中文版本:版本 6.01,二零一九年四月 Copyright ?

2019 Chinese TEX Society. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;

with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License . 中文版致谢 5.05 中文版致谢 对lshort-zh-cn 的新一轮修订在 ChinaTEX 交流 QQ 群(91940767) 的网友支持下完成.参 与此次修订的朋友包括: 网友 ID E-mail hello 312439151@qq.com ε 554502177@qq.com 4.20 中文版致谢 中文 TEX 学会启动的 lshort-zh-cn 修正计划!本项计划历时八个月,参加的朋友有: CTEX 论坛 ID 翻译章节 zpxing 前言、


第五章 1-2.4 &


第六章 Frogge

第一章 liwenjun

第三章 lijian605

第四章 gprsnl

第五章 2.5-2.11 haginile 和Frogge 通读了全篇,并给出了详细的勘误表.blackold 对于

第二章亦有所贡献. 最后由 zpxing 统筹全书. 3.20 中文版致谢 本文档的翻译工作由 CTEX 版主 经典问题 倡议,历经近十个月才得以完成.期间参与翻 译工作的朋友有: CTEX 论坛 ID 翻译章节 源文件名 经典问题 前言 overview.tex 高原之狼

第一章 things.tex controlong

第二章 typeset.tex cxterm

第三章 math.tex, lssym.tex aloft

第四章 spec.tex ganzhi

第五章 custom.tex i ii 中文版致谢 在此特向这些奉献者表示感谢! 英文版致谢 Much of the material used in this introduction comes from an Austrian introduction to L A TEX 2.09 written in German by: Hubert Partl Zentraler Informatikdienst der Universit?t für Bodenkultur Wien Irene Hyna Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung Wien Elisabeth Schlegl in Graz If you are interested in the German document, you can ?nd a version updated for L A TEX2ε by J?rg Knappen at CTAN://info/lshort/german iii iv 英文版致谢 The following individuals helped with corrections, suggestions and material to improve this paper. They put in a big e?ort to help me get this document into its present shape. I would like to sincerely thank all of them. Naturally, all the mistakes you'

ll ?nd in this book are mine. If you ever ?nd a word that is spelled correctly, it must have been one of the people below dropping me a line. Eric Abrahamsen, Lenimar Nunes de Andrade, Eilinger August, Rosemary Bailey, Barbara Beeton, Marc Bevand, Connor Blakey, Salvatore Bonaccorso, Pietro Braione, Friedemann Brauer, Markus Brühwiler, Jan Busa, David Carlisle, Neil Carter, Carl Cerecke, Mike Chapman, Pierre Chardaire, Xingyou Chen, Christopher Chin, Diego Clavadetscher, Wim van Dam, Benjamin Deschwanden Jan Dittberner, Michael John Downes, Matthias Dreier, David Dureisseix, Hans Ehrbar, Elliot, Rockrush Engch, William Faulk, Robin Fairbairns, Johan Falk, J?rg Fischer, Frank Fischli, Daniel Flipo, Frank, Mic Milic Frederickx, David Frey, Erik Frisk, Hans Fugal, Robert Funnell, Greg Gamble, Andy Goth, Cyril Goutte, Kasper B. Graversen, Arlo Gri?ths, Alexandre Guimond, Neil Hammond, Christoph Hamburger, Rasmus Borup Hansen, Joseph Hilferty, Daniel Hirsbrunner, Martien Hulsen, Bj?rn Hvittfeldt, Morten H?gholm, Werner Icking, Eric Jacoboni, Jakob, Alan Je?rey, Martin Jenkins, Byron Jones, David Jones, Johannes-Maria Kaltenbach, Nils Kanning, Andrzej Kawalec, Christian Kern, Alain Kessi, Axel Kielhorn, Sander de Kievit, Kjetil Kjernsmo, Tobias Klauser, J?rg Knappen, Michael Koundouros, Matt Kraai, Tobias Krewer, Flori Lambrechts, Mike Lee, Maik Lehradt, Rémi Letot, Axel Liljencrantz, Jasper Loy, Johan Lundberg, Martin Maechler, Alexander Mai, Claus Malten, Kevin Van Maren, Pablo Markin, I. J. Vera Marún, Hendrik Maryns, Chris McCormack, Aleksandar S. Milosevic, Henrik Mitsch, Stefan M. Moser, Philipp Nagele, Richard Nagy, Manuel Oetiker, Urs Oswald, Hubert Partl, Marcelo Pasin, Martin P?ster, Lan Thuy Pham, Breno Pietracci, Demerson Andre Polli, Maksym Polyakov, Nikos Pothitos, John Re?ing, Mike Ressler, Brian Ripley, Kurt Rosenfeld, Bernd Rosenlecher, Chris Rowley, Young U. Ryu, Risto Saarelma, András Salamon, José Carlos Santos, Christopher Sawtell, Gilles Schintgen, Craig Schlenter, Hanspeter Schmid, Baron Schwartz, Jordi Serra i Solanich, Miles Spielberg, Susan Stewart, Matthieu Stigler, Geo?rey Swindale, Laszlo Szathmary, Boris Tobotras, Josef Tkadlec, Scott Veirs, Didier Verna, Carl-Gustav Werner, Fabian Wernli, Matthew Widmann, David Woodhouse, Chris York, Rick Zaccone, Fritz Zaucker, and Mikhail Zotov. 前言 L A TEX [1] 是一个文档准备系统 (Document Preparing System),它非常适用于生成高印刷质 量的科技类和数学类文档.它也能够生成所有其他种类的文档,小到简单的信件,大到完整的书 籍.L A TEX 使用 TEX [6] 作为它的排版引擎. 这份短小的手册描述了 L A TEX2ε 的使用,对LATEX 的大多数应用来说应该是足够了.参考 文献 [1, 2] 对LATEX 系统提供了完整的描述. 本手册在英文版 lshort 的基础上进行了适当的重新编排,共有八章和两篇附录:
