编辑: Cerise银子 2016-03-02
北京塔沃拉意大利美食之旅第五站-威尼托大区 Beijing TAVOLA's Italian Gourmet Tour C The 5th station: Veneto 无论是旅行或是日常饮食,威尼托大区绝对上帝是为春天专属构建的地域.

这个大概从名字 便能窥见一二,威尼托海岸最特别的泄湖精致也成就了威尼斯这个最独一无二的城市,然而 威尼托大区的精妙不仅于此城,在它的腹地,同样保存着无数自然宝藏、艺术和传统.绵长 海滩上的洗浴场,最适合懒散着过一场悠长假期;

罗密欧与朱丽叶的浪漫故事,令维罗纳至 今还是热恋情侣宣告至死不渝的地点;

乔托的教堂壁画、科尔蒂娜四季绵延的雪山,这里是 上帝眷顾的居所,这里是威尼托. Welcome to the most tourist region of Italy. The variety of landscapes and the countless contributions made by the civilizations of the past are associated in a coherent and comprehensive way with the food and wine festival tradition. The Veneto region is the producer par excellence of Prosecco from Treviso and Amarone and Bardolino from Verona. 深受威尼托人喜爱的玉米糊,是一道家常却又考验技巧的菜肴.人们把玉米和肉类、鱼类、 奶酪放在一起煮,香味独特.威尼托同样以拥有广泛而宝贵的红白葡萄酒生产而自豪,其中 包括瓦波利切拉,勃列根兹白葡萄酒,宝多利,更不用说最著名的索瓦了.最好的葡萄干要 数索瓦丽秋朵地区生产的,也是常被用来烹饪的绝佳材料,更有享誉世界的起泡酒,餐时不 点上一杯绝称不上地道的威尼托人. Polenta is definitely the Veneto's favorite. Granny-cooked fish, meat and mousse together, smooth and sweet. There are also extensive and valuable wines. Polly Cela, Bo Reagan are treasures in white wines family, not to mention the most famous Francois. As for Prosecco, you never gonna miss it. 北京塔沃拉意大利美食之旅第五站-威尼托专属菜单上线,想做地道的威尼托人?快来塔沃 拉北京吧! ANTIPASTO Shrimp with onion, nuts and dried grapes, cod fish mousse with roasted polenta and red pepper compost 野生红虾佐以醋洋葱干果酱及玉米糕鳕鱼慕斯 PRIMO Red radish risotto with Asiago cheese 紫炬生菜烩米饭佐以阿斯雅阁芝士 SECONDO Beef steak Venezia style, with spinach and Amarone wine sauce VENICE 式牛排佐以菠菜及 AMARONE 红酒汁 DOLCE Tiramisu 提拉米苏 This menu includs one glass of white wine "Masi Levarie Soave Classico DOC", at the price of 398Rmb. 套餐中包含一杯本产区的 Masi Levarie Soave Classico DOC 白葡萄酒,套餐净价

398 元. 78Rmb for each glass of "Masi Levarie Soave Classico DOC" additional, and 350Rmb for a whole bottle. 每增加一杯 Masi Levarie Soave Classico DOC 白葡萄酒加收

78 元,整瓶优惠售价

350 元. 北京塔沃拉意大利餐厅 地址:北京市朝阳区东方东路

19 号亮马桥外交公寓会所二层 预订


8532 5068 Beijing Tavola Italian Dining 2nd Floor, The Grand Summit, Section B, Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Mansion No. 19, Dongfang East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Reservation :

010 8532

5068 敬请关注塔沃拉 官方网站:http://tavola.cn/ 官方微信:TAVOLA 官方微博:塔沃拉意大利餐厅(新浪微博) 关注方法:--查找微信公证账号--输入"TAVOLA"--点击关注 扫一扫亦可添加: Better life, Better [T]AVOLA! 更好的生活,更好的塔沃拉!
