编辑: sunny爹 2015-12-25

电话: 4000-989-102 room, the students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew what would __8__. ② Subsequent experiments reproduced this effect with other stimuli, __9__ the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects. 些不知道会产生电击的学生比那些知 道的同学点击更多的笔. ②随后的实 验用其他刺激来重现这种效果,比如 指甲敲击到黑板时的声音和恶心的昆 虫的照片. 「词汇溯源」 reproduce [?ri:pr??dju:s] [释义] v. 繁殖,再生,复制,使...在脑海中重现 [构词] [re- 再,produce 生产 → 再生产,再造,复制] [同根词] abduct abduction educate education induce [同义词] regurgitate procreate multiply photograph [?f?ut?gr:f] [释义] n. 照片 [构词] [photo 光,影,graph 写→纪录, 用光写 → 相片] [同根词] grammar gram graph graphic geography [同义词] exposure pic photo picture insect [??nsekt] [释义] n. 昆虫,卑鄙的人 adj. .虫的,虫子一样的,对付虫子的 [构词] [in- 入内,sect 切,割, 切入 , 切裂 →昆虫躯体分节,节与节之间宛 如 切裂 、 割断 之状,故名 → 昆虫] [同根词] sect sectarian section dissect intersect [同义词] worm louse dirt ball ① The drive to __10__ is deeply rooted in humans, much the same as the basic drives for __11__ or shelter, says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago. ② Curiosity is often considered a good instinct―it can __12__ new scientific advances, for instance―but sometimes such __13__ can backfire. ③ The insight that curiosity can drive you to do __14__ things is a profound one. ④ Unhealthy curiosity is possible to __15__, ①芝加哥大学的 Christopher Hsee 说,探索的动力深深扎根于人们心 中,就像食物或住所的基本驱动力一 样. ②好奇心常常被认为是一种不错 的本能――它能带来新的科学进步, 但有时这种探究会适得其反. ③好奇 心会驱使你去做自我毁灭的事情,这 是一个深刻的见解. ④然而,不健康 的好奇心是可以抵抗的. ⑤在最后一 项实验中,那些参与者被鼓励去试想 全国免费咨询

电话: 4000-989-102 however. ⑤ In a final experiment, participants who were encouraged to __16__ how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to __17__ to see such an image. ⑥ These results suggest that imagining the __18__ of following through on one'

s curiosity ahead of time can help determine ........
