编辑: 怪只怪这光太美 2015-06-28
河北翼辰实业集团股份有限公司 HEBEI YICHEN INDUSTRIAL GROUP CORPORATION LIMITED (于中华人民共和国注册成立的股份有限公司) (a joint stock limited liability company incorporated in the People's Republic of China) (股份编号:1596) (Stock code: 1596) 股东提名董事候选人程式 Procedures for shareholders to propose a person for election as a director 以下为根竟菊鲁痰 8.

19 及10.2 条及香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规 则(「上市规则」) 编制,以供河北翼辰实业集团股份有限公司 (「本公司」) 股东(「股东」) 提名人选参选本公司董事 (「董事」) 的程式: The following procedures for a shareholder ("Shareholder") of Hebei Yichen Industrial Group Corporation Limited (the "Company") to propose a person for election as a director ("Director") of the Company are prepared in accordance with articles 8.19 and 10.2 of the articles of association of the Company and the Rules (the "Listing Rules") Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited: 1. 倘单独或合计持有本公司 3%以上股份的股东 (「提名人」) 有意于本公司 股东大会上提呈任何人选 (「候选人」) 参选董事,其应于寄发股东大会通 告当日起至不迟于有关股东大会召开七日前期间,将(i) 经提名人签署并表 明提名候选人参选董事意图的书面通知 (「提名通知」) ,及(ii) 经候选人 签署并表明其愿意接受提名为董事候选人的书面通知 (「同意通知」)送达 (或促使送达) 下列任何一个位址: If one or more Shareholder(s) holding 3% or more of the issued shares of the Company ("Nominator(s)") wish(es) to propose any person ("Candidate") for election as a Director at a general meeting of the Company, he/she/it/they should deposit (or procure the deposit of) (i) a written notice (the "Proposal Notice") signed by the Nominator(s) of his/her/its/their intention to propose the Candidate for election as a Director;

and (ii) a written notice (the "Consent Notice") signed by the Candidate of his/her willingness to accept the nomination as a candidate for election as a Director, at either of the following addresses during a period commencing on the day after the dispatch of the notice of the general meeting and ending no later than seven days before the date of such general meeting: 本公司的香港主要营业地点 Principal place of business of the Company in Hong Kong 香港 皇后大道东

183 号 合和中心

54 楼Level 54, Hopewell Centre

183 Queen's Road East Hong Kong 本公司的 H 股证券登记处 H share registrar of the Company 中央证券登记有限公司 香港 皇后大道东

183 号 合和中心

17 楼1712C1716 号铺 Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited Shops 1712C1716, 17th Floor Hopewell Centre

183 Queen's Road East Wanchai Hong Kong 2. 提名通知 (i) 必须载有候选人的全名;

(ii) 必须注明日期并经提名人签 署;

及(iii)所载有候选人的人数必须符合本公司章程的规定,并且不得多於 有关股东大会中拟选举董事的人数. The Proposal Notice (i) must set out the full name of the Candidate;

(ii) must be dated and signed by the Nominator;

and (iii) for nomination of such number of Candidates in compliance with the requirement under the articles of association of the Company, and shall not exceed the number of Directors to be elected in the relevant general meeting of the Company. 3. 同意通知 (i) 必须表明候选人愿意接受提名为董事候选人的意向;
