编辑: 无理的喜欢 2015-05-14
持续教育学院 School of Continuing Studies 电力安装及维修工程师专业证书课程 Professional Certificate in Electrical Installation and Maintenance for Engineers 课程简介 Course Description 本课程针对电力工程人员而设计,专攻电力安装及设计工程项目,内容由浅至深,专业及实用,透过讲解、讨论及个案 分析,学员能掌握相关专业知识并学以致用.

This course is to provide the necessary knowledge, practices for electrical technical personnel and management group to design, install, and maintain the electrical systems and its operation items. The course content starts from the fundamental to some practical levels in order for the practitioners to be able to work and to determine independently when the dedicate situation arises during the course of work. 教学目标 Teaching Objective 每位学员都能掌握相关专业知识,有助提升相关技术并学以致用於此行业继续发展,不断自我进修成为专业技术人员. Wishing the students can pick up the relative professional knowledge and enhance the technology handling and apply this knowledge in future career development. Besides, this course acts as continuous professional development to the students to be specialist technical personnel. 课程大纲 Course Outlines ? 电力条例准则 Code of practice of electrical installation and maintenance ? 仪表工程 Trend chart and instrumentation systems ? 电线与配件 Electrical wiring and accessories ? 水线与等电位接驳 Installing proper earthling bond ?

图表与电线图 Electrical cable characteristics charts and tables ? 供电系统 Electrical distribution system ? 工具与安装实务 Appropriate tools and installation practices ? 触电保护 Prevention of electrical shock ? 电力安全与隔离 Electrical safety and isolation ? 过流保护 Fault current protection ? 检查与测试 Inspection and testing of field service equipment ? 个案研究(电力安装实例)与考试 Case studies (electrical installation and common examination) ? 电路控制 Control of electric circuits 教学对象 Target Students 中学毕业,对此课程有兴趣.适合电力安装及维修工程师及有关行业学员. -High school graduates who are interested at this course. -Suitable for building and measurement engineers and related industry practitioners. 授课语言 Medium of Instruction 广东话 (辅以中文/英文教材) Lecture in Cantonese / Materials in English 报名地点 Venue for Enrollment 澳门胱形傲砺钒拿趴萍即笱 O 座2楼持续教育学院 SCS, 2/F Block O, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau 合办机构 本课程已纳入教青局 持续进修发展计划 This course is under DSEJ Continuing Education Scheme 上课地点 Venue for Class 澳门胱形傲砺钒拿趴萍即笱(确实地点将於确认开课时以手机短讯通知) Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa, Macau (Classroom number will be notified after the course is confirmed to commence.) 上课日期 Course Date &

Time 课程费用 Tuition Fee MOP 2,000 元 收生名额 Class Size

20 人 * 报名注意事项 Enrollment Notes * 报名时间:星期一至五(9:00 - 20:00)、星期六(9:00 - 13:00) [公众假期除外] Operation hours: Monday to Friday (9:00 C 20:00) ;

Saturday (9:00 - 13:00) [Close at Public Holidays] 1. 首次报读本院短期课程者,请先登入网上报名系统(

网址:https://scs.must.edu.mo/oasc/PersonalInfo.do)或扫瞄以下的 QR Code,选择 类别,预先登记个人资料(不需上传身份证) ,填妥资料后,带备身份证正、副 本及相片
