编辑: huangshuowei01 2014-09-06
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9 2015-2016 学年 初三上 鼓楼区期末统考



15 = 15'

) 1.

Lots of fans have voted online ______ their favorite songs and singers. A. with B. by C. at D. for 2. If we want to know something about the life of wild animals, we should watch ______. A. comedies B. documentaries C. chat shows D. drama series 3. --- Would you like a cup of coffee ______ shall we begin to work now? --- Coffee, please. I'

m a little tired. A. and B. or C. but D. then 4. When I was young, I found ______ important to keep a balance between my study and hobbies. A. that B. this C. it D. its 5. --- This single room is too small. Can I have a double room? --- Yes, of course. But you have to pay ______ $80. A. another B. more C. other D. most 6. We should find some time to relax ourselves ______ we can achieve a better result. A. so that B. though C.as a result D. unless 7. --- Would you please stay for lunch? --- Sorry, I ______. My brother is coming to see me and he'

ll arrive at about 12. A. mustn'

t B. can'

t C. wouldn'

t D. couldn'

t 8. It will be quicker to go to the Pearl Park after Weisanlu Tunnel ______ in 2016. A. completes B. will complete C. is completed D. will be completed 9. Tu Youyou won the

2015 Nobel Prize for medicine. She was the first Chinese woman ______ the Prize. A. wins B. winning C. won D. to win 10. President Xi said in Wuzhen, The Internet, one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century,the way people live and work. A. changes B. changed C. has changed D. was changing 11. If you doubt whether he'

ll attend the meeting tomorrow, you can call him to ______ it. A. connect B. confirm C. contact D. control 12. Lost in Hong Kong, Xu Zheng'

s new film, did better at the box office, but it ______ a bit worse than expected. A. found out B. came out C. turned out D. broke out 13. --- Look! Millie is talking to some foreign students. Who are they? --- Oh, they are exchange students ______ come from America. A. who B. whose C. what D. which 14. I'

d like to watch a football match this Saturday afternoon. But I'

m not sure ______. A. whether I can buy the ticket B. that I'

ll be free at that time C. which team will mine play against D. when the match was beginning 15. --- If our parents listen to us more, they will understand us better. They just expect us to listen to them. A. I believe not B. Don'

t mention It C. I can'

t agree more D. I don'

t think so

二、完形填空 (1 x 10'



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9 Mo was waiting outside her class. She was feeling sick in the exam week. She really hated physics, her worst subject. Terry looked back at her from the front, then looked away quickly. Mo thought she looked ___16___. She didn'

t have a problem with physics. She didn'

t have a problem with anything. Hi, Mo, it'

s your favourite exam today, said Nima, ___17___ as she joined the line. Terry was looking at Mo again. So, what'

s wrong with her? asked Nima. I thought you were friends. Yes, so did I, said Mo. She ___18___ to help me revise for the physics exam, but she hasn'

t answered all my calls and texts. She'

s forgotten who her friends are! Mo said ___19___. Mr. Reed was talking to the class and the students were going into the exam room. Mo gave Nima a worried ___20___ and followed them. Mo couldn'

t answer the fifth questions, it was too difficult. She looked up and saw Terry sitting two rows in front of her. Mo couldn'
