编辑: xwl西瓜xym 2019-08-01
2017年7月乐理第2级试卷 样卷Y 模拟答案 答案使用方法 ? 答案与试卷的问题顺序相同,并尽可能采用与试卷相同的排版,以便于对照.

? 如果答案须在五线谱上显示,则原题的五线谱印为灰色,答案为黑色,例如: ? 备选答案以斜线(/)或"或"字隔开,例如: 减慢 / 渐慢 或?要求考生写音阶、和弦或三和弦的问题的答案只显示一个八度.在不同八度上的其他合理答案也可 获得满分. ? 2017,英国皇家音乐学院联合委员会

2 1 (10) (a) 3rd 1st / 5th 4th 8th / 7th 6th 2nd 3rd 8th / 8ve 8ve / 1st (b) F# / F sharp


3 3

3 or (10)

3 (10)

4 (10) (a) (b) Bb major

5 (10)

6 (10) * * * * * or or

3 7 (10)

8 (10)

9 (a) (i)

9 (10) (ii)

8 (iii) minim / half note (iv)

3 /

7 (v)

3 3

7 3 / (b) Andante lento

3 3 (10) harmonic / melodic or or $means: simile means: Lento means: moderately loud in the same way held back very quiet in the style of at a medium speed moderately quiet sustained slow quiet without very slow ?means: non troppo means:? maestoso means: slur;

perform smoothly too much movement? tie;

detached not too much majestic slur;

detached very much in the style of a march? tie;

hold for the value of? not in time very, much both notes
