编辑: 思念那么浓 2014-06-04
个人简历 姓名郭英 性别女政治面貌 中共党员 出生年月

1977 年8月学科 应用数学 学位理学博士 职称副教授 导师 硕士生导师 电话18663925486 E-mail mathgy@126.

com 学历信息 2013.3~2016.10 哈尔滨工业大学理学院数学系 数学 博士 2006.9~2008.7 哈尔滨工业大学理学院数学系 计算数学 硕士 1996.9~2000.7 牡丹江师范学院数学系 数学教育 本科 工作经历 2016.11~至今 青岛理工大学理学院数学系 副教授 2010.9~2013.3 黑龙江八一农垦大学理学院数学系 副教授 2005.9~2010.7 黑龙江八一农垦大学理学院数学系 讲师 2000.9~2005.7 黑龙江八一农垦大学理学院数学系 助教 主讲课程 高等数学、概率论与数理统计、线性代数、数值分析、随机过程 研究方向 泛函微分方程、随机微分方程、稳定性理论及应用 获奖情况

2012 年12 月 获得黑龙江省"教学能手"荣誉称号.

2016 年12 月 耦合系统的全局动力学性质分析,山东省高等学校优秀科研成果 奖,自然科学二等奖,排名第 2. 发表 科研 论文 [1] Ying Guo*, Wei Zhao, Xiaohua Ding, Input-to-state stability for stochastic multi-group models with multi-dispersal and time-varying delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2018, Accepted (SCI) [2] Ying Guo* , Yida Wang, Xiaohua Ding, Global Exponential Stability for Multi-group Neutral Delayed Systems Based on Razumikhin Method and Graph Theory, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2018, 355: 3122-3144 (SCI) [3] Chunmei Zhang, Ying Guo, Tianrui Chen* , Graph-theoretic Method on the Periodicity of Multi-patch Dispersal Predator-prey System with Holling Type-II Functional Response, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2018, 41(9): 3323-3334 (SCI) [4] Ying Guo, Yingjian Li, Xiaohua Ding* , On Input-to-state Stability for Stochastic Multi-group Models with Multi-dispersal, Applicable Analysis, 2017, 96(16): 2800-2817 (SCI) [5] Ying Guo* , Yanwen Li, Xiaohua Ding, Razumikhin Method Conjoined with Graph Theory to Input-to-state Stability of Coupled Retarded Systems on Networks, Neurocomputing, 2017, 267: 232-240 (SCI) [6] Ying Guo, Xiaohua Ding*, Razumikhin Method to Global Exponential Stability for Coupled Neutral Stochastic Delayed Systems on Networks, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2017, 40(15): 5490-5501 (SCI) [7] Ying Guo, Yingjian Li, Xiaohua Ding* , Global Exponential Stability of Multi-group Models with Multiple Dispersal and Stochastic Perturbation Based on Graph-theoretic Approach, Filomat, 2017, 31(16): 5125-5138 (SCI) [8] Ying Guo, Xiaohua Ding* , Yingjian Li, Stochastic Stability for Pantograph Multi-group Models with Dispersal and Stochastic Perturbation, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2017, 353: 2980-2998 (SCI) [9] Ying Guo, Shuang Liu, Xiaohua Ding* , The Existence of Periodic Solutions for Coupled Rayleigh System, Neurocomputing, 2016, 191: 398-408 (SCI) [10] Yan Liu, Ying Guo, Wenxue Li* , The Stability of Stochastic Coupled Systems with Time Delays and Time-varying Coupling Structure, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2016, 290: 507-520 (SCI) [11] Ying Guo, Huan Su, Xiaohua Ding* , Ke Wang, Global Stochastic Stability Analysis for Stochastic Neural Networks with Infinite Delay and Markovian Switching, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014, 245: 53-65 (SCI) [12] 郭英,李文学,王克. 随机 Volterra 积分方程相容解的稳定性. 应用数学学报, 2011(中文核心) [13] 郭英, 王克. 具有随机加速度的随机运动的存在性. 数学的实践与认识,
