编辑: 匕趟臃39 2014-03-31
The 2nd Tsinghua Forum on Environmental Remediation 2019年5月3日-5日 北京 西郊宾馆 清华大学&

中国环境科学学会 日程安排 报告人 题目 Scott Bradford 教授 CREST期刊主编 (SCI影响因子7.

7) Elements of a critical review in environmental science and technology Shane Allen Snyder 教授 Chemosphere期刊主编 (SCI影响因子4.6) Keys to success and mechanisms for failure in publishing scientific data Eddy Zeng教授 EP期刊主编 (SCI影响因子4.4) Everything about publishing in environmental pollution 1. Scott Bradford;

2. Shane Allen Snyder;

3. Eddy Zeng;

4. Yong Sik Ok;

5. J? rg Rinklebe;

6. Filip Tack;

7. Daniel Tsang 参会人员与7位SCI编辑面对面交流 大会议程 第二届环境修复清华论坛 The 2nd Tsinghua Forum on Environmental Remediation SCI专刊Editor'

s workshop 时间: 5月3日晚上7:00-9:00 地点: 清华大学环境学院一层报告厅 主持人:侯德义 5月3日晚上6:15在西郊宾馆大厅集合出发,步行去清华环境学院 开幕式 时间地点: 5月4日上午,西郊宾馆1号楼三层银杏大厅 主持人:侯德义 清华大学 李淼清华大学 --2019 北京-- 时间 会议内容 开幕式 9:00-9:30 侯德义副教授介绍来宾 生态环境部领导致辞 清华大学环境学院领导致辞 中国环境科学学会领导致辞 9:30-10:00 集体合影+茶歇 大会主旨报告 10:00-12:00 Critical Review of Environmental Science and Technology 主编 Scott Bradford 作主旨报告:Optimized delivery of nanoparticles and genetically engineered bacteria to enhance soil and groundwater remediation Chemosphere 主编 Shane Allen Snyder作主旨报告: Environment sustainability in world'

s fastest developing regions 生态环境部南京所 林玉锁作主旨报告:我国土壤污染防治现状 及展望 专家报告 大会议程 第二届环境修复清华论坛 The 2nd Tsinghua Forum on Environmental Remediation --2019 北京-- 时间 汇报内容 汇报人 13:30-13:50 Riverine plastic inputs to global oceans Eddy Zeng Jinan University 13:50-14:10 The effectiveness of biochar to remediate contaminated paddy soils Rinklebe Joerg University of Wuppertal Germany 14:10-14:30 Potential of sophorolipids to clean petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil Filip M. G. Tack Ghent University 14:30-14:50 Biochar as a sorbent for contaminant management in soil and water Yong Sik Ok Korea University 14:50-15:10 Broadening brownfields research: brownfield clusters and the broad-sense brownfields Xiaodi Zheng Tsinghua University 15:10-15:30 The role of natural attenuation and source zone depletion in the management of hydrocarbon contaminated sites Renato Baciocchi University of Rome 15:30-15:45 中场休息 15:45-16:05 Re-adsorption of arsenic onto soil during soil washing process Kitae Baek Chonbuk National University 16:05-16:25 Reduce the impact of urban waste on the environment Sindor Pardaev Samarkand State University 16:25-16:45 Sulfur based adsorbents for selective removal of heavy metals Zhuqi Chen Huazhong University of Science &

Technology 16:45-17:05 The rising challenges for re-use of remediated soils in china Zhong Zhong Zhejiang Environmental Science &

Design Institute 17:05-17:25 Reactive magnesia-production characterisation and environmental applications Fei Jin University of Glasgow 17:25-17:45 Bioremediation of multiple volatile organic compounds Ming Zhang Geological Survey of Japan 17:45-18:05 Contribution to the study of chromium bioremediation in industrial discharges Moussaoui Mohamed Bé jaia University 讨论嘉宾:待定 会场议题1:Emerging Contaminants, Sustainable and Innovative Characterization &
