编辑: 鱼饵虫 2013-10-05
中国山东省淄博市博山经济开发区 Economic Development Zone, Boshan District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, The PRC www.

starrise.cn 本报告由可再生纸张印刷. This report printing from renewable paper.

2018 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Stock Code:

1616 环境、社会及管治报告 星宏传媒控股有限公司 (於开曼群岛注册成立之有限公司) 股份代号:1616 Starrise Media Holdings Limited About the Report Letter from the Chairman Letter from the CEO Our Approach to ESG Our stakeholder Materiality Assessment Environmental

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11 关於这份报告 主席的话 首席执行官的话 我们的环境、社会和管治方法 我们的利益相关方 评估重要性 环境 ABOUT THE REPORT About the Report The report is the third annual Environmental, Social and Governance (hereinafter referred to as ESG ) Report issued by Starrise Media Holdings Limited (the Company ) and its subsidiaries (referred to as the Group or Starrise Media or We in the report) which mainly discloses the Company'

s performance on ESG. The report covers work for the financial year from

1 January

2018 to

31 December

2018 (the Reporting Period ). In preparing this report, we have compiled with the Comply or Explain provisions in accordance with the ESG Reporting Guide as set out in Appendix

27 to The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and in accordance with the practical circumstances of the Company. The scope of the report covers our television, drama and film business and also our textile operation in Zibo, Shandong province, the People'

s Republic of China (the PRC ). The board of director of the Company (the Board ) acknowledges its responsibility for ensuring the integrity of the ESG report and to the best of its knowledge, this report addresses all material issues and fairly presents the ESG performance of the Company and its impact. The Board confirms that it has reviewed and approved this report. ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT

2018 2018 环境、社会及管治报告


02 关於这份报告 关於这份报告 本报告是星宏传媒控股有限公司「本公司」及其子公司 (於本报告提述为「集团」、「本集团」、「星宏传 媒」、「我们」)发布的第三份环境、社会及管治(以下 简称「ESG」)报告,重点披露本集团在ESG方面的表 现.本报告涵盖2018 年1 月1 日至2018 年12 月31 日财务年度 (「报告期」)的工作. 我们按照香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则附录二十 七之「环境、社会及管治报告指引」载列的「不遵守就解 释」条文,并根竟臼导是榭鲎鞒龌惚. 报告围涵盖本公司在中华人民共和国(「中国」)的影 视传媒业务和山东省淄博营运的纺织业务. 本公司董事会(「董事会」)明白其为确保环境、社会及 管治报告完整所负有的责任.就董事会全悉,本报告记述 所有重大事项,并合理展示本公司的环境、社会及管治表 现以及其影响.董事会确认其已审阅并批准本报告. 排放物 资源使用 环境及天然资源 雇佣 健康与安全 发展与培训 劳工标准 供应链管理 产品责任 反贪污 社区投资 Employment Health and Safety Development and Training Labour Standard Supply Chain Management Product Responsibility Anti-Corruption Community Investment

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