编辑: 赵志强 2013-07-20
C C S 技术通告 Technical Information (2017 年)技术通告第

2 号总第

250 号2017 年01 月09 日(共2页) 发:总部有关处室、研发中心、规范与技术中心、武汉规范所、各审图中心、各分社、本社 验船师、有关船厂、产品制造厂、设计单位及航运公司 关于 关于 关于 关于 IACS IACS IACS IACS 发布 发布 发布 发布 REC.

146 REC.146 REC.146 REC.146 的技术通告 的技术通告 的技术通告 的技术通告

1 背景 背景 背景 背景 IGF 规则第 4.2 条要求使用低闪点燃料的船舶进行相关的风险分析,风险分 析应符合 可接受 、 公认 及 形成主管机关满意的文件 ,但未给出满足这 三项要求的具体标准,即(1)什么样的风险评估是可接受的;

(2)风险评估要 到达什么样的公认程度;

及(3)什么样的文件是令主管机关满意的.为此,国 际船级社协会编写通过了关于满足 IGF 规则要求的风险评估的建议案 REC.146, 并于

2016 年8月发布了该建议案. 本建议案给出了通用的风险分析方法和流程, 明确了满足上述三项要求的具体标准, 提高了执行风险分析规定时的标准性和一 致性.

2 技术要点 技术要点 技术要点 技术要点 由于存在多种 可接受 和 公认 风险评估技术和记录风险评估文档的方 法,REC.146 建议案并不旨在限定风险评估的具体技术或文档记录方法,而是描 述了满足 IGF 规则的推荐做法和实例,并明确了风险评估的目的、范围、推荐方 法、团队成员以及风险评估报告的要求.对于风险评估方法,本建议案主要描述 了满足 IGF 规则要求的定性风险评估(QualRA) ,定性风险评估的内容主要包括: 危险识别、后果分析、可能性分析、风险分析以及风险评估. 本通告在本社网站(www.ccs.org.cn)上发布,并由各执行检验的分社/审图 中心转发所辖区域内各有关单位.若有任何问题,请联系 CCS 总部技术管理处 (E-mail: rt@ccs.org.cn). 附件:IACS REC.146 (Ver. Aug 2016)-中英文版 No.146 Page

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24 IACS Rec.

2016 No.

146 (cont) Risk assessment as required by the IGF Code 1.1 General To help eliminate or mitigate risks a risk assessment is required by the IGF Code1 . In this regard it requires that the risk assessment is undertaken using acceptable and recognised techniques, and the risks and their mitigation are documented to the satisfaction of the Administration. It is recognised that there are many acceptable and recognised techniques and means to document a risk assessment. As such, it is not the intent of this document to limit a risk assessment to a particular technique or means of documentation. This document does, however, describe recommended practice and examples to help satisfy the IGF Code. 1.2 Risk assessment - Objective The objective or goal of the risk assessment, as noted in the IGF Code, is to help eliminate or mitigate any adverse effect to the persons on board, the environment or the ship

2 . That is, to eliminate or mitigate unwanted events related to the use of low-flashpoint fuels that could harm individuals, the environment or the ship. 1.3 Risk assessment - Scope The IGF Code requires the risk assessment to cover the use of low-flashpoint fuel3 . This is taken to mean assessment of the supply of such fuel to consumers and covers: ? equipment installed on board to receive, store, condition as necessary and transfer fuel to one or more engines, boilers or other fuel consumers;

Such equipment includes manifolds, valves, pipes/lines, tanks, pumps/compressors, heat exchangers and process instrumentation from the bunker manifold(s) to delivery of fuel to the consumers. ? equipment to control the operation;
