编辑: 飞翔的荷兰人 2013-03-30

2、复制报告未重新加盖"检测报告专用章"或检测单位公章无效. Copy report without re-stamped"Test Report Dedicated Seal"is invalidate.

3、报告无编制、审核、批准人签字无效. Report without compilation,audit andapproval signature is invalidated.

4、报告涂改无效. Altered report is invalidated.

5、对检测报告若有异议,应于收到报告之日起十日内向检测单位提出, 逾期不予受理. The objections to the inspection report shall be raised to the testing unit within ten days overdue inadmissible.

6、本报告检测结果仅对被测地点、对象及当时情况有效,送样委托检测 结果仅对所送委托样品有效. This report is effective only to the inspected location,the object and the particular situation while inspecting,the sample test result is validated only to the commissioned sample.

7、除客户特别申明并支付样品管理费,所有超过标准规定时效期的样品 均不再做留样. Only if the client makes particular statement and pays the management fess of the test samples,the rest testing samples will not be kept after exceeding the standard provisions of thelimitation period.

8、除客户特别申明并支付档案管理费,本次检测的所有记录档案保存 期限为六年. Only if customer makes particular statement and pays the archives management fee,all files or archives related to this inspection report will only be kept up to

6 years.

9、部分复印无效. Part of the copy is invalid.
