编辑: 施信荣 2019-12-26
持续创新 ? 迈向更高目标 2016年中期业绩 2016年8月This presentation and the accompanying slides (the Presentation ) have been prepared by WH Group Limited ( WH Group or the Company ) solely for information purposes.

This Presentation does not constitute or form part of and should not be construed as, an offer or invitation to acquire, purchase or subscribe for any securities of the Company nor is it calculated to invite any such offer or invitation nor shall it constitute any offer or sale of such securities in any jurisdiction. No part of this Presentation shall form the basis of or be relied upon in connection with any investment decision, contract or commitment whatsoever. This Presentation has been prepared by the Company based on information and data which the Company considers reliable, but the Company makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, whatsoever, on the truth, accuracy, completeness, fairness and reasonableness of the contents of this Presentation. The Company reserves the right to amend or update all or any part of this Presentation at any time, but the Company shall not be under any obligation to provide the recipient of this Presentation with any such amended or updated information or correct any inaccuracies herein unless otherwise required by the Rules Governing The Listing Of Securities On The Stock Exchange Of Hong Kong Limited or any applicable law. This Presentation may not be all-inclusive and may not contain all of the information that you may consider material. Neither the Company nor any of its affiliates or representatives make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein or any other written or oral communication transmitted or made available to any recipient. The Company and its affiliates and representatives expressly disclaim any and all responsibility or liability based, in whole or in part, on any of the information contained herein, errors herein or omissions here from. In all cases, interested parties should conduct their own investigations and analyses of the Company, its businesses, assets, financial conditions and prospects, and of the information set forth in this Presentation. This Presentation contains statements that reflect the Company'

s intentions, beliefs or expectations about the future or future events (the forward- looking statements ). These forward looking statements are based on a number of assumptions about the Company'

s operations, its future development plans, market (financial and otherwise) conditions, growth prospects and certain plans and objects of the management of the company, and are subject to significant risks, uncertainties and other factors beyond the Company'

s control, and accordingly, actual results may differ materially from these forward-looking statements. You should not take any forward- looking statements contained in this Presentation regarding past trends or activities as a representation that such trends or activities will continue in the future. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

1 免责声明 内容概览

2 2016年上半年业绩亮点 2016年上半年业绩摘要 2016年上半年业务回顾 中国业务 美国及欧洲业务 展望

1 2

3 4 3.1 3.2 2016上半年业绩亮点

1 2016中期亮点回顾

4 入选《财富》 世界500强企业 抵御宏观和行业 不利影响,业绩稳 步增长,屡创新高 全球业务平台深 入发挥协同效应, 进出口贸易大幅 度增长 持续深入向消费 品企业转型,深 加工肉制品业务 实现量利双增, 市场占有率进一 步提升 史密斯菲尔德 品牌肉制品于 中国上市,中 国业务双品牌 运营,产品结 构迈向新里程 实现全球化管 理机制和体制 融合,推动运 营效率持续提 升 美国业务发挥产 业链优势,平抑 市场波动风险 现金流强劲, 负债持续降低 2016年上半年业绩摘要

2 合并财务概述 2016上半年 (1) 2015上半年 (1) 相较于2015上半年变化 生猪出栏量(千头) 9,360 9,338 0.2% 生猪屠宰量(千头) 24,197 23,856 1.4% 肉制品对外销售量(千公吨) 1,525 1,494 2.1% 百万美元 2016上半年 (1) 2015上半年 (1) 相较于2015上半年 变化 营业额 10,453 10,205 2.4% EBITDA (1) 1,076

968 11.2% 经营利润 (1)

838 729 15.0% 归属母公司(报表)净利润 (1)

466 367 27.0% 摊薄每股收益(美仙) (1) 3.26 2.57 26.8% 拟派每股股息 (港元) 0.05 - 不适用

6 注: 1. 生物价值调整前 重要运营指标 关键财务指标 万洲收入和经营利润细分

7 注: 1. 外部销售 2. 除去生物公允价值调整 91.8% 22.8% (5.0%) (9.6%) 100.0% 肉制品 生鲜猪肉 生猪养殖 其他及总部 总营业利润 肉制品 51.1% 生鲜猪肉 43.9% 生猪养殖 3.0% 其他及总部 2.0% % 按核心业务分部划分的2016年上半年营业额 (1) 按核心业务分部划分的2016年上半年经营利润 (2) 按地区划分的2016年上半年营业额 (1) 按地区划分的2016年上半年经营利润 (2) 美国 56.4% 中国 37.2% 欧洲 6.4% 美国 48.1% 中国 49.4% 欧洲 2.5% 3,261 3,893

375 414 2015年上半年 2016年上半年 经营利润 百万美元 百万美元 百万美元 1,407 2,131

52 38 2015年上半年 2016年上半年 营业收入(1)、经营利润、 经营利润率(2) 肉制品 生鲜肉 中国业务经营数据

8 1,771 1,654

363 378 2015年上半年 2016年上半年 +10.4% +4.1% +19.4% +51.5% -26.9% -6.6% 12.3% 10.8% 20.5% 22.9% 3.1% 1.0% 注: 1. 外部销售 2. 柱内的百分比为经营利润率;

经营利润率 = 经营利润/内外部销售 20,354 25,529 2,440 2,705 2015年上半年 2016年上半年 经营利润 百万人民币 百万人民币 百万人民币 8,821 13,998

322 155 2015年上半年 2016年上半年 营业收入(2)及经营利润 肉制品 生鲜肉 双汇发展业务经营数据(1)

9 11,141 10,954 2,225 2,455 2015年上半年 2016年上半年 注:........
