编辑: 牛牛小龙人 2019-12-24
Date Time PDT Track Presentation Title Speaker 16-Sep 8:00- 8:30 AM Sessions Overview Emma Bowden, PhD Director, Translational Medicine, Thermo-Fisher Scientific 16-Sep 8:30- 9:30 AM Sessions The use of transcriptional signatures for clinical population selection Mary Ellen Urick, PhD Staff Scientist, Bioinformatics, Thermo Fisher Scientific 16-Sep 9:30- 10:00 AM Sessions Analysis of Oncomine Knowledgebase to identify NFE2L2 pathway as a novel therapeutic opportunity in multiple cancer types Nickolay Khazanov, PhD Staff Scientist, Bioinformatics, Thermo Fisher Scientific 16-Sep 10:00- 11:00 AM Sessions Expanded clinical research opportunities for Crizotinib identified from an analysis of over 5,000 exomes Sean Eddy, PhD Staff Scientist, Bioinformatics, Thermo Fisher Scientific