编辑: QQ215851406 2019-12-23
培英中学2018-2019 年度下学期期终试 考试锦囊 中二级 中国语文科 卷别名称 比重 (%) 时限 考试围 试卷形式 备注 卷一 阅读能力 40%

60 分钟 1.

课外篇章(30%) 2. 读本问题(50%)(不提供原文) 《差不多先生传》 、 《我的老师》 、 《渑池之会》 、 《说勤》 《养成好习惯》 、 《有为有不为》 、 《童年闵子骞》 、 《论孝》 . 3. 语文知识(20%) 知识手册(页




73、74) 课外篇章两篇,设若干题 目.读本问题只设问题, 不附原文.考生须根 章内容及已有知识回答 所有问题. 温习次序 1.熟读笔记、课本 2.检讨测验 3.作答时留意时间分 配 卷二 写作能力 40%

75 分钟 甲、命题作文(70%) 1. 记叙及抒情 2. 描写、记叙及抒情 乙、实用文(30%) 1. 启事 2. 通告 3. 报告 甲部设三题,考生选答一 题,作文一篇(600 字或 以上) . 乙部实用文,考生必答, 字数不限. 温习次序 1.熟读笔记,了解如 何运用各种写作技 巧2.检讨平时在课堂上 创作的命题作文 3.多创作文章,并尝 试灵活运用各种写 作手法及修辞技巧. 4.要熟读实用文格式 卷三 说话能力 20% 小组讨论

5 分钟准备 8-10 分钟讨 论(4 至5人一组) 小组讨论题目共三题: 1.有人说 : 「运气比努力更加重要 . 」 你同意吗?为甚麽? 2.有人认为电子科技能拉近人与人之间的距离?你同意 吗? 3.有人建议初中学生必须在三年内参与

30 小时的义工 服务.你同意这个建议吗?为甚麽? 1. 同学可利用五分钟准 备时间在笔记栏内记 下要点. 2. 小组讨论时可参考笔 记栏内所准备的笔记. 3. 小组讨论题目由老师 随机分配. 1. 可预先针对题目 作准备,惟应考时 不可带备任何纸 张笔记. 2. 在家中作演讲练 习. 3. 多留意时事 4. 多看社评 培英中学2018-2019 年度下学期期终试 考试锦囊 中二级 中国语文科 (校本课程)(第

二、三组) 卷别名称 比重 (%) 时限 考试围 试卷形式 备注 卷一 阅读能力 40%

60 分钟 甲部:读本问题 《失败是个未知数》 《说「勤」 》 《论英雄与时势》 《最苦与最乐》 《马说》 乙部:阅读理解 课外篇章U内容理解、论证手法 丙部U语文运用 1. 修辞手法(拟物、排比、拟声词、著色词) 2. 论证手法 课外篇章两篇,设若干题 目.读本问题只设问题, 不附原文.考生须根 章内容及已有知识回答 所有问题. 温习次序 1.熟读笔记、课本 2.检讨测验 3.作答时留意时间分 配 卷二 写作能力 40%

1 小时

15 分钟 甲部 1. 议论文 2. 描写文 3. 记叙文 乙部 1. 通告、启事 本卷分甲、乙两部分. 甲部命题作文:共设三 题,考生选答一题,作文 一篇(500 字或以上) . 乙部实用文写作: 根饽恳,拟写一篇 实用文. 温习次序 1.熟读笔记,了解如 何运用各种写作技 巧2.检讨平时在课堂上 创作的命题作文 3.多创作文章,并尝 试灵活运用各种写 作手法及修辞技巧. 4.熟读实用文格式. 卷三 说话能力 20% 小组讨论

5 分钟准备

10 分钟讨论 小组讨论题目共三题: 1. 家长强迫子女参加课外兴趣班,对子女身心发展利 多於弊,还是弊多於利? 2. 你认为社区重建带来的好处多,还是坏处多?试加 以说明. 3. 怎样才是一所成功的学校? 1. 同学可利用五分钟准 备时间在笔记栏内记 下要点. 2. 讨论时可参考笔记栏 内所准备的笔记. 3. 讨论题目由老师随机 分配. 1. 可预先针对题目 作准备,惟应考时 不可带备任何纸 张笔记. 2. 在家中作演讲练 习. 3. 多留意时事 4. 多看社评

2018 C

2019 2nd Term - Examination Guide for S.2 (Groups 1, 2, 3) English Language Paper Weighting Duration Examination Syllabus Examination Format Remarks Paper I Writing

80 /

300 75 mins Section A Free topics Section B Travelling Section A Part A: Sentence Making Section B Part B: Text type C Article Section A -Revise writings, especially writing

3 -Revise themes C pets and travelling Section B -Revise text type C article -Revise writings, especially the article writing format Paper Weighting Duration Examination Syllabus Examination Format Remarks Paper II Comprehension &

Usage 90/300

1 hour Part A: Reading comprehension

2 texts C

1 about pets and the other is a general topic Part B: Usage ? Vocabulary (Vocabulary items from Unit

4 Dictations

1 &

2 Parts A &

C) ? Grammar rules ? Zero Article (GB Unit 8) ? Conditional sentences Types 1-2 (GB Units 17-18) ? Passive Voice (GB Unit 7) Reading comprehension ? Different question types such as MC, back referencing, T/F/NG, short answers, long answers, etc. Vocabulary ? Complete a short passage with the words given Grammar ? Filling in blanks ? Rewriting sentences Reading comprehension ? Revise the question types in Unit

4 Texts

1 &

2 handouts and newspaper cuttings Vocabulary ? Study the vocabulary list Grammar ? Revise grammar rules, grammar notes, grammar worksheets and grammar book ? Study the exam revision notes and do the revision paper seriously Paper Weighting Duration Examination Syllabus Examination Format Remarks Paper III Listening

40 /

300 1 hour Part A &

Part B A situation is given and students have to complete all tasks in Part A &

B. Part A C short tasks Part B C Integrated tasks and Data File 1. Fill in the blanks 2. Fill in the blanks;

Labeling pictures 3. Fill in the blanks;

Multiple choices 4. Fill in the blanks;

Multiple choices 5. Complete a profile 6. Complete a letter 7. Complete a course outline Revise the themes (1) People and Society;

and (2) Jobs Paper IV Dictation 50/300

1 period Part A:

10 vocabulary items taken from Units

3 &

4 Dictations

1 &

2 Parts A &

C Part B: Paragraphs taken from Unit

4 Dictations

1 &

2 3 paragraphs +

10 Vocabulary items ? Refer to the handout on dictation exam syllabus. Paper V Speaking

40 /

300 Part A Preparation time:

5 mins Assessment time:

1 min Part A Themes ? English Week ? Pets ? Using the iPads Part A Part A: Individual Presentation Part A Revise individual presentation phrases and the themes specified Part B Revise group interaction phrases and the themes specified Part B Preparation time:

5 mins Assessment time:

3 mins for

3 students,

4 mins for

4 students Part B Themes ? Organizing an activity for English Week ? Pets left on the street ? Using the iPads Part B Part B: Group Interaction

2018 C

2019 Final Term Examination - Examination Guide for S.2 (Group 4) English Language Paper Weighting Duration Examination Syllabus Examination Format Remarks Paper I Writing

80 /

300 75 mins Section A: Sentences building Section B: Composition (100 words) Section A: (Make

5 grammatically correct sentences according to the grammar foci) Section B: Letter to an organisation (Unit

4 Animals) Section A: Students shall show their abilities to: 1) make sentences in correct grammar;

2) fulfill different grammar foci;

Section B: Students are encouraged to 1. arrange their ideas in paragraphs;

2. use time/sequence words;

3. revise letter format Paper Weighting Duration Examination Syllabus Examination Formats Remarks Paper II Comprehension &

Usage 90/300

1 hour Part A: Reading comprehension There are TWO texts. One is about Animals. The other is about the Internet. Part B: Grammar &

Usage 1. Zero articles 2. Passive voice 3. Conditional sentences 4. Prior knowledge 1. Multiple choice 2. Answering questions in complete sentences 3. Giving short answers 4. True / False / Not given 5. Blank-filling 4.Cloze passage 5.Circling answers Booklet (Unit

3 Tech talk, &


4 Animals Revision Notes for the Final Exam Paper Weighting Duration Examination Syllabus Examination Format Remarks Paper III Listening

40 /

300 1 hour Integrated skills (listening, reading and writing) 1. Filling in the form 2. Multiple choices 3. Labeling pictures 4. Taking notes on a note sheet 5. Completing a blog Revise ? Completed exercises from Performance Task- based Learning) ? Tech talk and Animals booklets ? General information (e.g. name, dates, e-mail, price, numbers) Paper IV Dictation 50/300

1 period Vocabulary and passages from Unit

3 Tech Talk &


4 Animals)

3 paragraphs +

10 vocabulary items Refer to the dictation exam area given Paper V Speaking

40 /

300 Preparation:

10 minutes Assessment: 2-3 minutes ? Studen........
