编辑: hgtbkwd 2019-11-29
Methods: 1.

Put fish maw on a plate. Put a slice of ginger, a sprig of spring onion and a drizzle of Shaoxing wine over it. Steam in Miele puresteam at 100°C for

5 minutes. Rinse fish maw in cold water. Drain. Put all ingredients in a double-steaming pot. Steam in Miele puresteam at 100°C for

2 hours. Serve. Cooking tips: ? Miele puresteam operates with 100% steam. It controls temperature much more precisely than traditional steaming wok on stoves. The milk won't be overheated or curdle. The steamed sweet soup will taste smoother. ? Miele puresteam can accommodate up to

10 small double-steaming pots of individual serving size. You may make

10 different sweet soups all at once. Or, you may personalize each pot to make it sweeter or blander according to individual's preference. INGREDIENTS

150 ml milk,

2 red dates (pitted),

2 slices ginger,

1 sprig white part of spring onion,

35 g re-hydrated fish maws,

10 g rock sugar,

1 tsp Shaoxing wine DOUBLE-STEAMED FISH MAW IN MILK (serves 1) 材料 鲜奶150毫升、去核红枣2粒、姜2片、葱白1段、已浸发花胶 35克、冰糖10克、绍兴酒少许 做法: 1. 花胶放碟上,盖上1片姜、1段葱白及少许绍酒,放Miele蒸炉以100℃ 蒸5分钟,冲冷水沥乾.所有材料放有盖炖盅内,进Miele蒸炉以100℃ 炖2小时即可享用. 烹调小贴士: ? Miele蒸炉以100%纯蒸气烹调,比明火蒸镬温度稳定,可避免鲜奶过热 凝固结块,口感更香滑. ? Miele蒸炉能同时容纳10个小型炖盅,烹调不同炖品,亦可因应各人喜 好,每盅浓淡不同. 鲜奶炖花胶 (1位份)
