编辑: LinDa_学友 2019-11-28
Referral Agreement 居间协议 Shang Peng's products and services are provided by Shang Peng Gao Ke, Inc.

The terms of this Agreement govern your right to register as a referral agent and to receive commissions on referrals of new customers who purchase Shang Peng products and services. Please read this Agreement carefully, and contact us if you have any questions. By becoming a referral agent, you agree to be bound by this Agreement, including any other policies that may be provided or referenced. In the following clauses: 在下述条款中: (A) "Shang Peng" shall mean and include Shang Peng Gao Ke, Inc., its subsidiaries and associated companies and any companies, trusts or entities which may by reorganization assume the rights and obligations of the Parties hereto as the context shall require/permit. "Shang Peng"应指并包括 Shang Peng Gao Ke, Inc.,、其子公司、关联公司和(根据 上下文的要求/允许)任何通过重组承担本协议双方权利和义务的公司、信托或实 体. (B) "eMA" refers to the individual, which officially registers as a referral agent of Shang Peng. "eMA"指正式注册为 Shang Peng 居间代理的个人. (C) "Products" refers to IT products, nutritional products, cosmetic products and other products marketed and sold by Shang Peng. "产品"指Shang Peng 推广和销售的 IT 产品、营养品、化妆品和其他产品. (D) "Shang Peng Payment Card System" refers to the system used by Shang Peng for paying commissions to eMA which is posted on the website of Shang Peng and may be amended from time to time. "Shang Peng 支付卡系统"指登载于 Shang Peng 网站的、可能被不时修改的、 Shang Peng 用以向 eMA 支付佣金的系统. WHEREAS, eMA intends to recommend individuals to become a customer of Shang Peng to purchase Products of Shang Peng, and Shang Peng agrees that eMA will be paid corresponding commission from his/her recommendation. 鉴于,eMA 有意推荐多名个人成为 Shang Peng 的客户采购其产品,且Shang Peng 同意就 eMA 的推荐向 eMA 支付相应的佣金. NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by Shang Peng and eMA (collectively the "Parties"), it is hereby mutually agreed as follows: 因此,就Shang Peng 和eMA(合称"双方")特此承认已经获得的良好、有价值的对价,双方 达成以下约定: I. Terms of Commission 佣金条款 Shang Peng agrees that eMA is entitled to enjoy the commissions as provided on the website of Shang Peng if certain conditions are met: Shang Peng 同意,在满足特定条件时,eMA 有权获得如 Shang Peng 网站所载的佣 金: II. Commission Receiving Qualification 收取佣金资格 In order to be eligible to receive commissions, the following qualifications must be met: 为了符合收取佣金的资格,以下条件必须被满足: 1. the referral agent shall register as an eMA;

and 有关的居间代理应当注册为 eMA;

以及 2. other conditions as required by Shang Peng Shang Peng 要求的其他条件 III. No Commission 无佣金 The Parties hereby agreed that, when the following situation occurs, the referral relationship between Shang Peng and eMA shall not be established and thus eMA is not entitled to receive any commission due to its recommendation: 双方在此约定,发生下列情况时,Shang Peng 与eMA 之间不应当形成居间关系, 而eMA 也无权就其推荐获得任何佣金: 1. the individual recommended by eMA fails to pay for the Products of Shang Peng within

14 days;

eMA 推荐的个人未能在

14 天内就 Shang Peng 的产品付款;

2. the individual recommended by eMA has registered as an eMA of Shang Peng by the recommendation of another eMA other than eMA before eMA's recommendation. eMA 推荐的个人已因 eMA 以外的另一 eMA 的推荐而在 eMA 向Shang Peng 推 荐其之前注册成为 Shang Peng 的eMA. IV. Payment Method 付款方式 When individuals recommended by eMA successfully pay for the Products of Shang Peng as required herein, eMA will receive commissions under this Agreement on a monthly basis via the Shang Peng Payment Card System. 当eMA 推荐的个人根据本协议的要求成功地就 Shang Peng 的产品付款时,eMA 将 通过 Shang Peng 支付卡系统按月收到本协议项下的佣金. V. Acknowledgement 确认 eMA hereby agrees and acknowledges that Shang Peng is entitled to change the Terms of Commission (including but not limited to the commission percentage, limit on number of friends recommended, the recommendation rules, etc.) at any time by providing a

15 days written notice to eMA, including posting such change to the website of Shang Peng, and the final interpretation right of the said Terms of Commission belongs to Shang Peng. eMA 在此同意并确认,Shang Peng 有权经提前

15 天书面通知 eMA(包括将有关变 更在 Shang Peng 网站上公布)而随时更改佣金条款(包括但不限于佣金比例,推 荐朋友的数量限制、推荐规则等),上述佣金条款的最终解释权归 Shang Peng 所有. eMA hereby consents and acknowledges that by registering to become an eMA, he/she agrees that Shang Peng may collect, use and transfer his/hers personal data to a third party for non-commercial purposes. eMA 在此同意并确认其正式注册成为 eMA 即是同意 Shang Peng 有权收集、使用 并出于非商业目的向第三方提供其个人信息. VI. Others 其他 This Agreement will become effective immediately upon the date first set forth above after the signature of the representative duly authorized by the Parties and shall expire each year with automatic renewal thereon for an additional one-year period;

however, either Party may terminate this Agreement upon

30 days' written notice. 本协议将在双方的正式授权代表签字后于文首所载日立即生效,并且应在每年到期 后自动续展一年;


30 天书面通知终止本协议. This Agreement shall be subject to the laws of Delaware, United States. Each of the Parties agrees that any legal action or proceedings arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be brought to the Courts of Delaware and irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts. 本协议受美国特拉华州法律管辖.每一方均同意,因本协议产生或与本协议有关的 任何法律行动或法律程序均应提交至特拉华州法院并不可撤销地服从该等法院的排 他管辖.
