编辑: yn灬不离不弃灬 2019-11-27
广东万和新电气股份有限公司 公司名称:广东万和新电气股份有限公司 Guangdong Vanward New Electric Co.

, Ltd. 公司地址: 中国广东省佛山市顺德高新区(容桂)建业中路

13 号No.13, Jianye Mid-road, High-tech IndustryDevelopment Zone, Ronggui, Shunde Foshan, Guangdong,China 公司简介 万和成立于

1993 年8月,2011 年1月28 日在深交 所成功登陆 A 股市场,股票代码为 002543.总部位于广 东顺德国家级高新技术开发区内,拥有七大生产基地, 年产量

1500 万台. 在国内市场,万和燃气热水器市场占有率连续十年 遥遥领先,消毒柜市场占有率连续十多年处于行业前两 名,燃气灶、烤箱、吸油烟机、电热水器的市场占有率 均处于行业前列.万和燃气热水器和燃气炉具的出口量 连续五年领先行业同类产品. 质量是企业的生命,这是万和从成立之初就秉承的 信念,万和早在

1996 年便通过 ISO9001 质量管理体系认 证.2008 年整合 ISO


14001、OHSAS18001 三标 一体化体系,并通过 SGS 国际认证.公司主要产品分别 通过 CCC、CE、CSA、UL 等质量安全认证. Brief Introduction of Vanward Vanward was founded in August

1993 and became a listed company on January 28th,

2011 in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with Stock Co e 002543. Vanward owns seven manufacturing bases and has an annual production capacity of

15 million pieces, with the headquarters located in the National High-Tech Industry Development Zone in Shunde District, Guangdong Province. Vanward has been holding the largest market share for

10 years in gas water heater industry, and has kept top two for more than

10 years in sterilizing cupboard industry in the domestic market. The market shares of gas stove, oven, range hood, electric water heater are among the top list in the industry.the export volume of Vanward gas water heater and gas stove has been holding a leading position in the industry for

5 consecutive years. Quality is the life of an enterprise, and this has been the ideal of Vanward since her foundation. Vanward has been an ISO9001 certified company since

1996 and achieved the certifications of ISO9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 as well as the SGS international approval in 2008. Most of the main products in Vanward own the quality and safety certificate such as the CCC, CE, CSA and UL . 广东万和新电气股份有限公司 联系人:姚颖 联系

电话:18928650806 0757-28982228

