编辑: 865397499 2019-11-13
机械技师学刊 Journal of Professional Mechanical Engineers Vol.

8, No.4,

2015 附件 机械技师学刊编辑委员会名单 发行人:庄书豪 学刊主编:杨智胜 执行编辑:戴任诏 编辑委员: (依姓氏笔画排列) 王炳增、王啻濉⒅烀骰浴⒅烨蹇 ⒔凇⑺沃居⒗钚司⒅芑烂⒘忠诿拧⒘只哉⑽涠恰 唐云明、高骐、康剑文、张锦裕、许福助、陈宏益、陈志铿、陈英本、陈寒涛、童子贤、黄廷合、 杨瑞珍、杨德华、杨镜堂、邹国益、廖国权、赵元宁、郑鸿仪、薛富盛、苏铭宏. 机械技师学刊每年出版四次. E-mail:ycs05171@yahoo.com.tw/shachuang2007@gmail.com 发行单位:台湾省机械技师公会 会址:40874 台中市南屯区河南路四段

190 巷16 号 连络

电话:+886-4-22580591 传真:+886-4-22580571

网址:http://www.tmpea1314.com.tw 投稿内容: 机械设计、制造、安装、工程施工、工程监造、机械运转、机械维护、检验、试验、检查、签证、鉴定(机械包含航空机械、船舶机械、房屋设备、水电工程、吊车、车辆、输送机、压力容器、锅炉、 管线、阀门、水门机械、回转机械、游乐场设施、停车场机械、N降机、电梯、电扶梯等等)等专业 文章,专利申请、专利侵权鉴定、专利回避设计、专利争议诉讼等有关专利之文章,工程合约管理、 工程争议处理、调解、仲裁、诉讼等有关工程法律之论文,技师法规、机械设备规等之专辑,以及 一般学术论文及各大学与科技大学机械相关系所学生实务专题或技术报告文章(热流与能源、动力与 控制、固力与材料、制造与设计、工程营建管理、半导体制程、微机电技术、冷冻空调工程、近代产 业工程科技与跨领域等)等等. 审稿办法 审查稿件皆委任

3 位编辑委员保密审查,审查意见共分

4 级,编辑委员若有投稿,为求公正,回避审查.




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网址:http://www.tmpea1314.com.tw,参阅机械技师学刊入 会收费 办法. 2.有广告欲刊登於本学刊者,请上本公会网站

网址:http://www.tmpea1314.com.tw,参阅机械技师学 刊广告 收费办法. 机械技师学刊 Journal of Professional Mechanical Engineers Vol.8, No.4,

2015 论文英文格式 Guidelines on How to Format a Contribution to the JPME Henry-Ming Chang1 , Jesse-I Chen2

1 Professor, Department of Mechanical &

Automation Engineering, X-X University

2 NSC Project No.:NSC95-xx-E-xx-xx-xxx Manager, Advanced Company Abstract In order to get a homogeneous look for all the papers to be published in the Journal of Professional Mechanical Engineers (JPME), a set of guidelines for preparing these papers are given. (11 points, Times New Roman, Boldface) (Abstract content

10 points, Times New Roman) Keywords (2~4 Words,10 points, Times New Roman) :Proceedings, Guidelines, PMMT 1. Introduction All papers are limited to no more than

6 (six) pages. Authors should adhere to these guidelines wherever possible and only modify suggested formats if this helps in accommodating a certain figure, table etc. It could, for example, be of advantage to collect all figures and tables on the final page (as demonstrated in this template). It is of course equally acceptable to include the figures in the running text. The finalized manuscript should be submitted as a PDF-file and WORD-file (file is less than 2MB) 2. Format 2.1 Paper format 2.1.1 Margin setting The paper size is A4 (21 cm wide by 29.7 cm tall) with the following margins: upper 3.5 cm, lower 2.5 cm, left

2 cm, right

2 cm. These margin settings must not be altered under any circumstances! 2.1.2 Font setting The only fonts that should be used are: Times New Roman and Symbol. Please pay in particular attention to avoiding other fonts with non-Latin characters. The title is in capitals,

14 point, boldface, the authors and their affiliations

12 points. The subtitles in the text are

11 point, boldface. The rests of the text are

10 point. 2.2 Keywords A list of up to 2-4 keywords should be included right after the abstract. 3. Figures , tables, and equations 3.1 Figures and tables Figure (and table) captions should be written in

10 points, Times New Roman. Captions can either be centered or fully justified, depending on the width of the figure. 3.2 Equations Equations should be centered and labeled with a number towards the right margin, in case there is more than one equation. n i r I I r P p dA = ∫ (1) 4. Results and Discussions References are identified by a number in brackets and should follow the format as seen in the examples below for journal paper[1], book[2], conference paper[3], thesis[4], technical report[5], and patent[6]. 5. Conclusions We hope that you found these instructions helpful. We are looking forward to receiving your contributions. If you have problems or questions, please feel free to contact the following e-mail address: ycs05171@yahoo.com.tw/shachuang@mail.hwai.e du.tw 6. Acknowledgment Thanks to all those people helping in JPME. 7. References 1. Lin, C. H., Lee, G. B., Lin, Y. H., Chang, G. L., A Fast Prototyping Process for Fabrication of Microfluidic Systems on Soda-Lime Glass, J. Micromech. Microeng., Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 726-732, 机械技师学刊 Journal of Professional Mechanical Engineers Vol.8, No.4,

2015 2001. 2. Etkin, B., Dynamics of Atmospheric Flight, John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA, pp. 166-180, 1970. 3. Shu, K. M. and Tu, G. C., Metal Matrix Composite for EDM Grinding, Proceeding of the 13th International Symposium for Electromachining, Spain, Vol. 2, pp. 869-879,

2001 4. Hayes, K. F., Equilibrium, Spectroscopic, and Kinetic Studies of Ion Adsorption at the Oxide/Aqueous Interface, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 20........
