编辑: 旋风 2019-08-12
100 大学入学考试中心 100学年度学科能力测验 英文考科 试题详解与分析>




课本用三民,学测高分没问题! ?每课精心编列高中学生必备单字、衍生字、词类变化,并提供情境完整的例句,力求学生能熟悉单字的正确用法,单字练习超实! ?全国首创词汇得高分单元Word File (统整字根、字首、字尾造字概念,於本套教材一至六册详实介绍,帮助学生增加单字量、加强拆解字汇的能力,四册后单字实力破四千五百! (增列常见搭配用语,让学生在单字例句之外,更能全面地掌握该字词用法! (针对该课主题补充主题性单字,让学生从中学到更多专业的说法,提升自我英文能力! ?於每课课文右上角的Reading Tip单元教学生怎麽读懂课文,怎麽抓文章重点.

小小方格蕴藏阅读文章的大智慧! (以问题的型式让学生边读边找答案,实际操作skimming、scanning等阅读技巧.再长篇的文章也能信手拈来,读出心得! (暗示学生该篇文章重点所在,一册十二课,等於作了十二篇深度阅读训练.大考四篇阅读测验是a piece of cake! ?课文后规划Reading Comprehension单元,供学生立即检视文章吸收程度,帮助学生复习该篇课文重点 (针对Reading Tip的问题或提示设计简单不费时的题目,动动脑作答,增加学生对学习英文的信心,又能达到学习英文的效果! (针对课文内容设计选择题,并融入大考常见阅读测验题型,如主旨题(main idea)、细节题(which of the following statements is true)、推论题(inference)等,越早练习,越早上手! ?课文主题丰富而多元,举凡戏剧、消费者文化、肢体语言、励志小品、生命教育主题等等,应有尽有,带领学生探索不同专业领域,面对大考阅测文章再也不害怕! ?Sentence Patterns单元以基础句型堆叠而上,循序渐进介绍进阶句型,辅以练习题提供学生活用的机会.有了句型单元的加持,翻译可以翻出好句子! ?一至六册系统化的top-down写作单元,详细介绍各类写作文体,哪怕论说文、 记叙文,或是大考常客应用文皆涵括编列,让学生驾轻就熟!

一、词汇(占15分) 说明U第1题至第15题,每题4个选项,其中只有一个是最适当的答案,画记在答案卡之「选择题答案区」.各题答对得1分;

未作答、答错、或画记多於一个选项者,该题以零分计算. 1. All the new students were given one minute to _____ introduce themselves to the whole class. (A) briefly (B) famously (C) gradually (D) obviously 所有的新同学都有一分钟可以简短地向全班作自我介绍. (A)简短地 (B)著名地 (C)逐渐地 (D)明显地 【解析】(由one minute可联想到与「时间」和「简短」有关,故选(A) briefly. (briefly introduce与brief introduction都是常用的搭配词. 2. His dark brown jacket had holes in the elbows and had _____ to light brown, but he continued to wear it. (A) cycled (B) faded (C) loosened (D) divided 他的深褐色夹克在手肘处有破洞而且已经褪色成浅褐色,但他还是继续穿. (A)循环 (B)褪色 (C)变 (D)分开 【解析】由had holes in the elbows可知夹克很破旧,并由dark brown与light brown可知破旧的夹克褪色,故选(B) faded. 3. Everyone in our company enjoys working with Jason. He'

s got all the qualities that make a _____ partner. (A) desirable (B) comfortable (C) frequent (D) hostile 我们公司里的人都喜欢和Jason共事.他拥有所有成为好伙伴的特质. (A)令人满意的 (B)舒服的 (C)频繁的 (D)有敌意的 【解析】由Everyone…enjoys working with Jason可知Jason是个好相处的人,必须选择正面的形容词,又因空格后为partner,必须选可修饰人的形容词,故选(A) desirable. 4. Eyes are sensitive to light. Looking at the sun _____ could damage our eyes. (A) hardly (B) specially (C) totally (D) directly 眼睛对光线敏感.直视太阳可能会伤害我们的眼睛. (A)几乎不 (B)特别地 (C)完全 (D)直接地 【解析】根耙痪涞奶崾,可知道「直视」太阳会伤害眼睛,故选(D) directly. 5. We were forced to _____ our plan for the weekend picnic because of the bad weather. (A) maintain (B) record (C) propose (D) cancel 因为天候不佳,我们被迫取消周末的野餐计画. (A)保持 (B)记录 (C)提议 (D)取消 【解析】句中提到天候不佳,故可知野餐无法成行,计画被迫「取消」,故答案选(D) cancel. 6. Three people are running for mayor. All three _____ seem confident that they will be elected, but we won'

t know until the outcome of the election is announced. (A) particles (B) receivers (C) candidates (D) containers 有三位人士角逐市长.这三位候选人似乎都很有信心他们会当选,但是直到选举结果公布我们才会知道. (A)微粒 (B)收件人 (C)候选人 (D)容器 【解析】由run(竞选)for mayor、elect与election得知必须选择与选举有关的字,故选(C) candidates. 7. If you _____ a traffic law, such as drinking and driving, you may not drive for some time. (A) destroy (B) violate (C) attack (D) invade 如果你违反交通法规,例如酒驾,你可能会被禁止驾驶一段时间. (A)毁灭 (B)违反 (C)攻击 (D)侵略 【解析】(由线索drinking and driving与you may not drive for some time,可得知前句指的是「违反」交通法规,故答案选(B) violate. (violate a law是常用的搭配词. 8. Applying to college means sending in applications, writing study plans, and so on. It'

s a long _____, and it makes students nervous. (A) errand (B) operation (C) process (D) display 申请大学指的是寄出申请书、写读书计画等等.这是一段很长的过程,并且让学生感到忐忑不安. (A)差事 (B)操作 (C)过程 (D)展示 【解析】从「sending in applications」、「writing study plans」可知在描述申请「过程」中所必须做的事,故选(C) process. 9. Dr. Chu'

s speech on the new energy source attracted great _____ from the audience at the conference. (A) attention (B) fortune (C) solution (D) influence 朱博士以新能源为主题的演讲相当吸引会议中众的注意. (A)注意 (B)幸运 (C)解答 (D)影响 【解析】因attract与attention为搭配词且最符合文意,可知应选(A) attention. 10. Everyone in the office must attend the meeting tomorrow. There are no _____ allowed. (A) exceptions (B) additions (C) divisions (D) measures 办公室的每个人都必须出席明天的会议.不容许有例外. (A)例外 (B)附加 (C)分开 (D)测量 【解析】由Everyone…must attend…可知是一项每人都必须遵守的规定,推知没有「例外」能被允许,故选(A) exceptions. 11. To make fresh lemonade, cut the lemon in half, _____ the juice into a bowl, and then add as much water and sugar as you like. (A) decrease (B) squeeze (C) freeze (D) cease 要制作新鲜的柠檬水,可以把柠檬切半,把汁挤进碗里,然后再依你的喜好加入适量的水和糖. (A)减少 (B)挤(C)使…冰冻 (D)停止 【解析】从开头句就知道接下来的动作是制作柠檬水的步骤,可能选squeeze或freeze,但因为有into,不能选freeze,故选(B) squeeze. 12. Buddhism is the _____ religion in Thailand, with 90% of the total population identified as Buddhists. (A) racial (B) competitive (C) modest (D) dominant 佛教是泰国的主要宗教,有百分之九十的总人口被认定是佛教徒. (A)种族的 (B)竞争的 (C)谦虚的 (D)最主要的 【解析】由线索with 90% of the total population identified as Buddhists可知佛教徒占泰国人口的绝大部分,故选(D) dominant. 13. When I open a book, I look first at the table of ______ to get a general idea of the book and to see which chapters I might be interested in reading. (A) contracts (B) contents (C) contests (D) contacts 当我翻开一本书时,我会先浏览目录以t解书的大意并看看哪些是我可能有兴趣阅读的章节. (A)合约 (B)内容 (C)竞赛 (D)接触 【解析】(由线索first可知是先看书的某个部分,又由to get a general idea and to see which chapters I might be interested可联想出是先看书的「目录」. (也可直接由table of contents为搭配词的观念,得知应选(B) contents. 14. The children were so _____ to see the clown appear on stage that they laughed, screamed, and clapped their hands happily. (A) admirable (B) fearful (C) delighted (D) intense 孩子们很高兴看到小丑出现在舞台上,所以他们大笑、尖叫并开心地鼓掌. (A)令人钦佩地 (B)可怕的 (C)高兴的 (D)强烈的 【解析】由laughed、screamed、happily等字可知孩子们是高兴的,故答案选(C) delighted. 15. Typhoon Maggie brought to I-lan County a huge amount of rainfall, much greater than the _____ rainfall of the season in the area. (A) average (B) considerate (C) promising (D) enjoyable 梅姬台风为宜兰带来豪雨,雨量远超过该地区当季的平均........
