编辑: hys520855 2019-08-11
此处贴最近相片 Attach recent bust photograph here 国立台北艺术大学外国学生入学申请表 FOREIGN STUDENT APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TAIPEI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS One, Hsueh-Yuan Road, Peitou, Taipei Taiwan 112, Republic of China 申请人须以正楷逐项详细填写一式两份 TO THE APPLICANT:Read instructions carefully and complete this form in DUPLICATE, type or print.

姓名(中 文)英文) Name in full (in Chinese)in English) (Last)First)Middle) 永久地址电话传真Permanent address Tel.Fax. 通讯地址电话传真Mailing address Tel.Fax. 电子邮件信箱e-mail: 出生地点出生日期Place of birth Date of birth (Month) (Day) (Year) 国籍性别 男女Nationality Sex: ( )Male ( )Female 监护人姓名及地址 Name and address of legal guardian 关系 Relation 姓名 Name 地址Address 出生地点 Place of birth 职业Occupation 中等学校文凭日期Secondary School Diploma Date 校名(name)地址(address) 学院或大学学位日期College or University Degree Date 校名(name)地址(address) 主修科目 副修科目 Major Minor 研究所学位日期Graduate School Degree Date 校名(name)地址(address) 其他日期Other Training Date 拟於何时入学 When do you intend to enter? (month)year) 拟入何系所就读 Which department or graduate school do you intend to enter? 拟研习何科? What major course of study do you expect to follow at the department or graduate school? 拟攻读何种学位?学士 硕士 不攻读学位 What degree do you intend to work for? ( )Bachelor ( )Master ( )Nondegree 如不拟攻读学位则研习目的为何? What are your educational objectives if you do not wish to follow a degree program? 叙明在华研习期间各项费用来源 State your plans for financing your education in the Republic of China. 健康情形 Are you physically sound and well? 如有疾病或缺陷请叙明之 If not, describe any defect or health problem. 曾研究中文几年 於何地受何人指导(讲授) How long have you studied Chinese?Under whose guidance and where? 中国语文程度 Chinese proficiency: (listening) 佳(good) 尚可(average) 尚差(poor) 说(speaking) 佳(good) 尚可(average) 尚差(poor) 读(reading) 佳(good) 尚可(average) 尚差(poor) 写(writing) 佳(good) 尚可(average) 尚差(poor) 另用纸张以中文或英文略述学经历背景 Attach a statement of previous experiences and representative works (in Chinese or English). 另用纸张以中文或英文略述来华留学志愿及计划(约三百~五百字) Attach a statement of about 300~500 words (in Chinese or English) stating your reasons for and your plans of study in the Republic of China. 申请人签名 (Applicant's signature) 申请日期 (Date of application)
