编辑: 棉鞋 2019-07-17

8 M: Um, Lucy, I'm getting a lot of complaints. W: Really? About what? M: Well, apparently, one of our waitresses is having a nervous breakdown. W: Who? Me? M: Yeah! Um, listen, maybe you should take the rest of the night off if you don't feel well. W: You don't understand. The guy at Table

4 said something horrible to me when I was telling him about today's special offer. M: What did he say? W: He said I was…a good waitress. M: That's not bad. W: I didn't grow up to be a good waitress! That was never the plan. The plan was to be a lawyer. M: OK. You're a young woman. You can still do that. W: Can I? A

32 single mother who didn't even graduate from high school? 10. What does the man want to talk about? A. Lucy's work performance. B. Lucy's school education. C. Lucy's poor health. 该段材料中的女士是一位服务员,当她向顾客推荐特殊服务时,顾客的赞扬却惹恼了女士,她认为自己长这么大不是为了做一名优秀的服务员,而是要成为一名律师.第10题问的是男士想要谈论的话题.这一题需要听完全文后对内容进行综合归纳.而对话开头女士问About what?男士的回答Well, apparently, one of our waitresses is having a nervous breakdown.很容易让听者落入陷阱C. Lucy's poor health. (2)考察理解、推断能力的题目居多.主要分布在1,3,6,10,12,17,20题.如: 第1题在问及人物身份时,必须根据文中"the literature class"及"Linda uses a lot of games so that we can learn more effectively during the

45 minutes."来推断出Linda的身份是一名教师. 再如第6题,在快速回答问题时,就要在disappeared in the middle of her work这个细节上进行推断Jenny不在店里的原因. 第12题Why is Lucy in low spirits? 女士情绪低落的原因要从她说话的字里行间判断出She hasn't realized her dream.这个答案. 第15题What does the woman want to ensure? 则完全要对原文信息进行分析、推理、归纳方能得出答案. 而最后一段独白的第17题When did the magician first perform professionally? 则要听清魔术师的出生年份1956年,再加上他12岁时开始正式专业表演这个信息,(He was born on September 16,

1956 in New Jersey. He picked up magic at

8 and began performing professionally at 12.)推算出他是1968年开始从事专业表演. (3)选项干扰性强 14年湖北高考听力真题设题非常灵活,选项设置十分经典,考生.题目中的选项大都出现了原文中的词汇,混淆性大,需要考生在仔细揣摩各选项内含的基础上进行甄别,加大了试题的难度,这是也是与其它地区考试最显著的区别之一. (4)同义转述题反复出现 在设题方式上,依然大量运用同义转述,问法灵活不直接.在选项上,如第2题将say a silly word转述成saying something wrong;

第11题将a good waitress转述成He praised her;

第15题将real-life experience instead of just theory转述成 apply what he's learned;

第16题将emergency situation转述成unexpected situation. 5. 录音速度与往年相差不大 近几年湖北听力的语速比较平均.其录音语速低于全国版高考的语速,且说话之间的时间停顿长,尤其是独白部分.这让学生有充分的时间来获取信息,分析、理解和解答.正是因为此,在一定程度上降低了本套试题难度. 总体而言,湖北省高考听力题不是简单地针对学生某一个方面的能力来设置,而是侧重考查其综合语言运用能力,反应其真实的听力水平.在平时的针对性训练过程中,我们有如下建议: (1)合理选用符合湖北省听力考试标准的材料与试题,试题设置灵活,选项干扰性强,材料有一定的难度;
