编辑: 摇摆白勺白芍 2019-07-16
参会回执表(Feedback) 公司名称(Company Name): 邮政地址(Company Add)邮政编码(Post code): 代表姓名(Name)职务/职称(Title)Email ;

联系电话(Tel)传真号码(Fax)移动电话(Mobile): 代表姓名(Name)职务/职称(Title)Email: 联系电话(Tel)传真号码(Fax)移动电话(Mobile): 宁波太平洋大酒店(Grand Pacific Hotel) 标准间(550元/间): 间;

单人间(550元/间): 间.

Twin bed room (550 yuan/day): ;

King bed room (550 yuan/day): (入住时间: 月日;

离开时间: 月日;

共晚) (Check in time:Departure time: 星际商务宾馆(Xingji Business Hotel) 标准间(280元/间): 间;

单人间(280元/间): 间. Twin bed room (280 yuan/day): ;

King bed room (280 yuan/day): (入住时间: 月日;

离开时间: 月日;

共晚) (Check in time:Departure time: 请将参会回执表发至中再交易网邮箱,随后办理汇款及发票事宜. Please contact by email the secretariat of PRC-CPPIA for registration,payment and invoice. 联系人Contact:朱文佳

18600439567 电话Tel:010-57741687 传真Fax:010-88570160 报名邮箱Email:zhuwenjia@crra010.com 注:入住太平洋大酒店可免费巴士接送. Note:Shuttle Bus Available for Free with reservation in the Grand Pacific Hotel. 宁波机场到太平洋大酒店接送机时刻表 Timetable for Shuttle Bus from Ningbo Airport to Grand Pacific Hotel 太平洋大酒店-机场 Pacific Hotel to Ningbo airport 5:40 8:05 12:05 14:40 17:00 机场-太平洋大酒店 Ningbo airport to Pacific Hotel 9:35 11:05 14:05 17:25 19:05
