编辑: 252276522 2019-07-15

only add people you actually know or with whom you've done business. Whether it's on LinkedIn, Facebook or any other networking site, it's much more of a quality game than a quantity game. A recruiter may choose to contact one of your connections to ask about you;

make sure that person is someone you know and trust. 审慎选择好友,只添加那些自己认识或者有过工作往来的人.不管是在LinkedIn、Facebook还是其他社交网站,都是质量胜过数量.招聘方很可能会找你的某位好友来打听你的情况,所以要确保这个好友是你认识而且信得过的. ? And there's really no excuse for sending an automated, generic introduction. Taking the extra five to

10 seconds to write a line or two about how you know the other person and why'd you'd like to connect to them can make the difference between them accepting or declining your connection request. It also doesn't hurt to mention that you're more than willing to help them or introduce them to other people in your network. 千万不要发送那种自动生成的千篇一律的自我介绍.多花个10秒钟时间写个一两行字,说明你是怎么知道对方的信息以及为什么想要加他为好友,顺便提一下你非常乐意帮助他或者把他介绍给自己的其他好友,绝对没有坏处. ? 5. Online exclusivity. 仅仅通过网络寻求工作机会. With the larger number of people currently unemployed (and under-employed), many employers are being inundated with huge numbers of applications for any positions they post. In order to limit the applicant pool, some have stopped posting positions on their websites and job boards. 如今有大量的失业(以及低薪屈就)人员,很多公司一发布招聘信息就会被如潮的应征信淹没.为了控制应征者数量,有些公司选择不在网站和就业版上发布招聘信息. ? Scouring the Web for a position and doing nothing else is rarely the best way to go. When job-seekers choose to search for jobs exclusively online- rather than also include in-person networking-they may be missing out on "hidden" opportunities. Higher-level jobs are not posted as often as lower-level jobs online. In-person networking may be needed to uncover these higher-level positions, which may be filled by executive recruiters. 仅仅通过网上寻找工作机会不是一个好的 选择.如果求职者只在网上搜索工作信息而不调动自己的人脉很可能会错过一些"隐藏的"机会.高级别职位比低级别职位更少会在网上发布.你需要调动 自己的人脉资源来寻找高级别职位的信息,这类职位可能都是由人事主管亲自负责招聘的.
