编辑: 丶蓶一 2019-07-15
词根背单词---"bene"和"am" 词根词缀背单词是一种有效的方法,以英语为母语的人也会借助这种方法来拓展词汇量,尤其是在备考SAT或者GRE 这种对单词量要求非常高,远远超过中国的任何外语考试.

下面是引自一位母语为英语者如何看待这个方法的. "These parts of words can help you decode the meaning. It's like knowing all the characters that contain a "木" are related wood or trees.This is the best way to memorize words for some people because everyone learns differently. Try using it and see if it works for you . I use it to help me learn and remember new words.It helps me breakdown new words and connect them to what i already now , so i can understand them more easily." 但是为什么还会有人会排斥这种方法呢?大多数并不是这个方法本身的问题,而是对记单词发生了错误的理解.其实单词的记忆有单个过程:第一认识,消除陌生感,掌握词汇的基本含义;


第三能够结合语境说出或者写出基本正确的句子. 通常我们所说的背单词,尤其是那些"单词量崇拜"的考试者来说,指的是第一层意思.就是做到熟悉,而要能够做到后面两个是需要加上语法和语境的加持.而实际上词根词汇法,本质上也是建立一个语境,加深对单词的认识,而不是孤零零地将英文单词和汉语意思对应起来. 下面举2 个词根"bene" 与"am " Bene 是拉丁词根表示"well". 由此变化而来的词有benefit,benediction,benefactor, beneficiary,benevolent,benevolence. "A benefit is a good result or effect." 理解为"好处,益处",词性是名词,形容词beneficial. benediction,由bene+dictio 构成, dictio这个词根意为"speaking", 放在一起表示"well-speaking,well-wishing",意为"祷告或者祝福".The Bible 里有一句大家熟悉的benediction,"May the Lord bless you and keep you". benefactor,分解为bene+fact+or, 意为 someone who helps another person or group, especially by giving money.意为能帮助别人的人,特别是那些提供资金帮助的人.而beneficiary 与benefactor 相反,意为"a person or organization that benefits or is expected to benefit from something,especially one that receives money or property when someone dies"可以理解为"(遗产)受益人" Benevolence,分解为bebe+volent, volent是velle演变过来的,表示"wish",放在一起指"好意,,

慷慨",为名词,其形容词为benevolent. 例1 In those financially desperate years, the young couple was saved only by the benevolence of her elderly great-uncle. am源自于拉丁文,意为"to love",在西方神话当中的爱神Cupid ,又叫Amor.以am 为词根变化而来的词amicable,enamored. Amicable,分解为am+icable, 意为"friendly or good-natured,peaceful ",为形容词,另一种形容词的形式enamored可以分解成en+amour +ed,意为"使...爱,使... 喜爱.通过例句看这两个形容词的差别 例2. Their relations with their in-laws were generally amicable,despite some bickering during the holidays. 例3. Rebecca quickly became enamored of the town's rustic surroundings, its slow pace. 前者表示人与人之间的友好,后者指被人或物所吸引,喜欢或者喜爱后者. Paramour 分解为par+amour "par",意为"faulty,abnormal",放在一起为"lover,often secret, not allowed by law or custom" He had been coming to the house for two years before her brothers realized that he was actually the paramour of their shy sister. 单词的记忆离不开语境,词根词缀本质上也是营造了一个语境,在其中深化对单词的认识与理解,也是众多记单词方法中的一种,但这只是完成了对单词的熟悉,要会用必须放在具体的段落里,才能灵活使用,才能做对题目.
