编辑: hyszqmzc 2019-07-10

s smoking can have on other people Other people dislike the the health of the non-smokers Effects that smoking can have on sporting performance Be unable to enjoy Conclusion It'

s time to smoking Step4: Difficult sentences 1. 教材原句 at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20km in an afternoon. 我这么大年纪的人仍健康得能在一个下午骑车20公里似乎很奇怪. 这是一个主从复合句,that在句中引导_从句. she will do well in her exam.( certain )她肯定会考得好. 2. 教材原句I hope so because I want you to live I have. 我的确希望你把烟戒掉,因为我希望你能像我这样活得健康长寿. (1)此句式为 as+adj.+a/an+单数可数名词+ as… 结构. ①Tom is_汤姆和约翰是一样聪明的男孩. (2)类似此句型用法的还有 too/so/how + adj. + a/an + n…. ②I have never met_我从没见过这么细心的男孩子. ③It is_for Wang Yue to live in the space module that imitated the environment of Mars. 对于王跃来说生活在模拟火星环境的太空舱里是一件非常困难的事. 3. 教材原句However,was that my girlfriend thought I smelt terrible. 然而,我的的确确知道我女朋友认为我气味难闻. 本句中,what引导_从句,that引导________从句, thought后是省略了______ 的_从句;


确实,的确 '

. 仿写 我确实认为Jack 表现很差. I_Jack behaved badly. 4.a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker. 每当你想要吸烟的时候,你就提醒你自己,你(已经)是不吸烟的人了. 这是一个主从复合句,every time 用作_______词,在句中引导_从句,意为 每当 . ①Every time I watch the program Star Avenue I am attracted by Bi Fujian'

s humor. 每次我看《星光大道》都会被毕福剑的幽默所吸引. you'

ll help me.每当我有困难,你都会帮我. 起连词作用引导时间状语从句的名词短语: the +瞬间时间名词:the second/ minute/ instant/ moment等time 类名词短语:the first/ last time, each/ every time, next time, any time等the+ 其他类时间名词:the week, the year, the month等Iwatched the film Avatar, I fell in love with it. 我第一次看阿凡达这部电影时就喜欢上了它. ④You are welcome to come back 你想回来随时可以回来. Step5: 当堂巩固 Fill in the blanks according to the text. James'

grandad writes him a letter to advice him to 1.smoking. James'

grandad says that there are three different ways you can become 2.to cigarettes. You can become 3.addicted to nicotine. This means that after a while your body becomes 4.to having nicotine in it . You can also become addicted 5.habit. Lastly, you can become 6.addicted. It is difficult to give up but if you try, you can 7.Smoking does 8.to smokers and 9.James'

grandfather also offers some 10.11.yourself, be determined, 12.and keep trying. Step6: 课后巩固 完成句子 1. Many people find the habit of getting up early. (develop) 许多人发现难以形成早起床的习惯. 2. You must present your library ticket time) 你每次借书时,都必须拿出你的借书证. 3. ―They are quite, aren'

t they? ―Yes. They are accustomed at meals. (talk) ―他很安静,不是吗? ―是的,在就餐时,他们习惯于不讲话. 4. This is the first time in the cinema together as a family. (see) 这时我们全家第一次一起在影院看电影. 5. Mary is Daisy. 玛丽和黛西是一样漂亮的女孩. 课后反思: 我在这一课收获了


