编辑: hys520855 2019-07-07
岗位练兵教学反思 高三年级部 英语组 张永霞 Significance: an excellent teacher=effective class+self-reflection, by Chinese psychologist Lin Chongde.

Strengths: 1.Think out of the box and make full use of the learning materials that the students are very familiar with, which helped lengthen the students' span of concentration and get them motivated in English learning. 2.Taken the students' status quo into consideration that they are faced with undeniable stress and are in great need of improving their efficiency, learning English in a humorous way with the help of Internet and other assisting equipment can give them a new solution. 3. Link the entertainment and College Entrance Exam will help develop their potentials to the fullest, since it will help grasp some of the skills for exams without noticing they are actually deal with some very tough grammar points. Expected problem: Some students might not be open-minded enough to take active part in the sharing activity, due to the fact that they might spend most of the time focusing on the drill and written schoolwork. Possible solution: Give them appropriate evaluation on the basis of their performance, inspiring and encouraging those who might not feel like focusing on the class. Besides, arrange a great variety of class activities to fix the students' attention.
