编辑: cyhzg 2019-07-07



二次系统 Design of

35 kV box-type transformer substation ABSTRACT: Box-type transformer substation calls again outdoor a transformer substation, also call to do the sectional transformer substation. It is a development to wait to 70'

s Europe and America western prosper in the 60'

s of

20 centuries the nation release a kind of outdoor the set changes to give or get an electric shock of new change to give or get an electric shock the equipments, because it have the combination vivid, easy to conveyance, move, install convenience, start construction construction the period is short and circulate the expenses low, free from pollution, do not need maintenance etc. advantage, suffer the international community electric power the worker values.Enter the middle of 90'

s of

20 centuries. The domestic starts appearing the simple box-type transformer substation , and got the quick development. The article regard box-type transformer substation as a development for relating box-type transformer substation applied, the construction of box-type transformer substation divides into se-section, emphasizing the treatise box-type transformer substation a the very equipments in design in subsystem chooses the type, two subsystems design, and the intelligence of box-type transformer substation supervises and control the system.The design high pressure side sum of box-type transformer substation settles electric voltage as

35 kVs, the low-pressure side sum settles electric voltage as

10 kVs, main transformer capacity is

5000 kVA.The lord connects the single mother in adoption in line line cent segment connects the line. Keywords:box-type transformer substation;


first system;

second system 第1章 绪论 1.1 供配电技术的发展 随着市场经济的发展,国家在城乡电网建设和改造中,要求高压直接进入负荷中心,形成高压受电―变压器降压―低压配电的供电格局,所以供配电要向节地、节电、紧凑型、小型化、无人值守的方向发展,箱式变电站(简称箱变)正是具有这些特点的最佳产品,因而在城乡电网中得到广泛应用. 其次随着社会发展和城市化进程的加快,负荷密度越来越高,城市用地越来越紧张, 城市配电网逐步由架空向电缆过渡,架杆方式安装的配电变压器越来越不适应人们的要 求.因此,预装式变电站成为主要的配电设备之一.再次人们对供电质量尤其是供电的 可靠性要求越来越高,而采用高压环网或双电源供电、低压网自动投切等先进技术的预 装式变电站成为首选的配电设备. 与此同时,由于信息化、网络化和智能化住宅小区发展,因此不仅要求箱变安全可靠,同时要求具有 四遥 (遥测、遥讯、遥调、遥控)的智能化功能.这种智能箱式变电站(简称智能箱变)环网供电时,在特定自主软件配合下,能完成故障区段自动定位、故障切除、负荷转带、网络重构等功能,从而保证在一分钟左右恢复送电[1]. 1.2 箱式变电站的类型、结构与技术特点 1.2.1 箱式变电站的类型 箱式变电站有美式箱式变电站和欧式箱式变电站.美式预装式变电站在我国叫做 预装式变电站 或 美式箱变 ,一区别欧式预装式变电站.它将变压器器身、高压负荷开关、熔断器及高低连线置于一个共同的封闭油箱内,构成一体式布置.用变压器油作为带电部分相间及对地的绝缘介质.同时,安装有齐全的运行检视仪器仪表,如压力计,压力释放阀,油位计,油温表等.欧式预装式变电站以前在我国习惯称为 组合式变电站 ,它是将高压开关设备、配电变压器和低压配电装置布置在三个不同的隔室内,通过电缆或母线来实现电气连接. 1.2.2 箱式变电站的结构 美式预装式变电站的结构型式大致有三种: (1)变压器和负荷开关、熔断器共用一个油箱;
