编辑: 牛牛小龙人 2019-07-07
英语翻译作业 沈建梅

5072049005 [杨洁篪]在许多方面确实有开拓创新,比如说我们努力地丰富和发展中国特色的外交理论,我们紧紧抓住统筹兼顾这个外交工作的根本途径,这方面我们要谈到,就是要统筹好国内和国际两个大局,要统筹好双边和多边关系.

[ 2009-03-07 10:05:00 ]?? We broke new ground in many areas. We enriched and developed diplomatic theories of Chinese feature. We continued to take a holistic approach in pursuing diplomacy. We took into account both domestic and international situations, and attached importance to both bilateral diplomacy and multilateral diplomacy. ?? [杨洁篪]我这里要特别提一下,一年多来我们是在努力地统筹地理区域外交和具体领域的外交,对这一点多讲几句.地理区域外交大家都很清楚,比如说大国外交、周边外交,与广大发展中国家外交,乃至于相当程度的多边外交.但是具体领域的外交,我们现在需要更重视,那就是,比如说像经济外交、安全外交、人文外交、公共外交等等. [ 2009-03-07 10:06:28 ]?? ?? Over the past year, we worked hard to combine regions pacific diplomacy with diplomacy in specific areas. I believe you know well what regions pacific are, regions pacific diplomacy means. It's about developing relations with major countries, with a neighbouring countries, with other developing countries, and also it involves a large part of our multilateral diplomacy. Let me say a few more words about what I mean by diplomacy in specific areas, an area that I believe we should pay more attention to. This diplomacy means economic diplomacy, security diplomacy, culture diplomacy, and public diplomacy. ?? [杨洁篪]去年我们举行的奥运会,应该讲是一个大文化的盛会,也是人文外交.年初的时候,我和一些同事就谈到,如果把奥运会搞好,把人文外交搞好,2008年的中国外交就成功了至少一半. [ 2009-03-07 10:07:00 ]?? ?? ?The Olympic Games we held last year is a big culture event , it was also a large part of our efforts to promote culture diplomacy. As I told my colleagues at the beginning of last year if we could successfully host the Olympic Games and make further progress in conducting culture diplomacy?, then our diplomatic work in

2008 would have a very good beginning and would already have half of the success of the whole year. [杨洁篪]同时我们也加强了外交工作体制和机制的完善,这一年来,中国的国际地位、作用、影响显著提高,我们为世界和地区的和平、稳定和发展作出了重要贡献.去年这一年,有多达180多位的国家元首、政府首脑和其他政要纷纷来到中国进行正式访问,或者参加奥运会、残奥会的开闭幕式和其他活动,或者参加亚欧首脑会议. [ 2009-03-07 10:08:55 ]?? We continued to improve the mechanisms and institutions in our diplomatic work. Well, the international influence, role and standing of China have visibly increased. We have continued to make important contribution to world and regional peace, stability and development. Last year, over

180 foreign head of the state, head of government and other political leaders came to China on official visits. Attending the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, or attending the 7th ASEM summits. ?? ?? [杨洁篪]来的国家元首、政府首脑、其他政要人数之多、之重要,在中国外交史上是空前的.应该讲,去年这一年也的确是中国外交的"开拓之年"、"丰收之年". [ 2009-03-07 10:09:28 ]?? ?? ?This has been truly unprecedented in history of China's diplomacy in turns of the number of our foreign guests we received and adventing of these foreign visitors.?So in a word, last year the year
