编辑: JZS133 2019-07-07
有关于语意反述在英语翻译中的功用例析 语意反述,是一种英语翻译技巧,它是用反意语词表达本原语意的一种方式.

反述的方式多种多样,常见的有词意反述、主被动反述、主谓反述、主宾反述、主状反述等.所谓语意反述,是指当一个句子按原词词义翻译不合汉语表达习惯时,可用近于相反的词意加以反述,使语意更顺畅,更合乎汉语习惯,使语气更符合语境.本文仅就语意反述现象的功用,进行简单归类和粗浅分析,以就教于方家. 1.前后 例如:It will be two or three years, before we meet again.翻译:两三年后,才能见面.分析:before在这里用作连词,如果译成"在再见面之前要过两三年"就显得生硬.再如:Managers will want to have all the necessary facts before they can make the best decision.翻译:经理们必定在掌握一切必要的情况之后才能作出最佳的决定.分析:before…译为"只有……之后才"较为恰当.又如:Many centuries had passed before man began to make use of nuclear energy.译成"在过了许多世纪之后,人们才开始利用核能". 2.然否 The beauty of Hang Zhou is more than I can describe.译:杭州之美非我笔墨所能描绘.析:"more than…can"译为"不足……能".在这种结构中,than后面的成分是形式上的肯定,上的否定.又如:This is more than we could bear.译:这是所不能忍受的.They know next to nothing of engineering drawing,let alone designing as such.译:他们对工程制图几乎一无所知,更谈不上设计本身了.析:let alone用在否定的陈述后表示某种情况极不可能发生,这里意为"to say nothing of",故译为否定词语"更谈不上".So it is possible that one day in the near future we will depend on solar furnaces and power stations to provide our electrical needs.译:因此,很可能在不久的将来会有一天,将会依靠太阳能作动力的锅炉和发电站为提供电力.析:句中把in the near future这个肯定词语译为否定词语"在不久的将来"便顺当多了.Am I your servant?译:我不是你的佣人.析:用肯定的修饰性疑问句表示强烈的否定陈述,要比"我是你佣人吗"语气更强烈.Smoking is harmful to the health of people.译:抽烟对人体健康没有好处.析:形容词harmful译为否定,更贴切地表达了原文的含义.There is nothing unexpected about it.译:一切都在预料之中.析:expected加上否定的前缀un含有否定,与nothing连用时,译成肯定语气"在预料之中".She was too near for us not to see her.译:当时她距离太近,使看见了她.析:否定是为了肯定,否定之否定,双重否定,肯定语气更加强烈.We cannot be too careful in doing experiments.译:做实验越仔细越好.又如:There is no one of us but wishes to go.译:人人都想去.Nobody but Xiao Li and Xiao Wang was there.译:只有小李和小王在那里.Not much is not known of the matter.译:关于那件事知道得.如果译成"关于那件事不是知道得不多",似在绕弯弯,读着也拗口.We did not notice this matter until yesterday.译:直到昨天才注意到这件事.until用于否定句中,可先按原意"直到……以前"理解,但一到这一时刻,谓语动作就中止.因此,译为"直到……才"较为妥当.比译成"直到昨天以前没注意到这件事"效果要好. 3.大小 He has no small chance for success.译:他大有成功的希望.To my no small astonishment, I found the house on fire. 译:我发现房子着火,大为吃惊.Rontgen was not a little surprised when he found the strange glow came from small fluorescent screen.译:伦琴发现那奇怪的亮光来自荧光屏时,大为吃惊.Western manners here differ slightly from good Chinese manners.译:在这方面,西方礼节与中国礼节差异不大.You have less voice in what you do: there is less follow―through.译:你对自己所做事情的发言权减少了,就不大能把它坚持到底.Childcare is less a problem.译:照顾孩子不再是一个大理由. 4.多少 Theory of relativity worked out by Einstein is now above many people's comprehension.译:爱因斯坦提出的"相对论",现在还有不少人理解不了.I know a lot of dentists who wanted to be physicians and couldn't get into medical school,so they went to dental schoo1.译:我认识不少牙科医生,他们原想内科医生,但因为进不了医学院而进了牙科学校.Most of the Latin-American countries are working hard to improve their school, they face a number of difficulties.译:多数拉美国家也在努力发展学校,它们面对着不少困难.As l know,she has little experience in this way.译:据我所知,她在这方面经验不多. 90万余篇免费论文范文供您下载和参考,请记住
