编辑: JZS133 2019-07-06
[page]参考译文[/page] Hello,I'

m Debbie Ruse with the BBC News.

大家好,我是黛比・罗斯,欢迎收听BBC新闻. Malaysia'

s former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has again been chosen as a candidate for the top job at the age of 92. He stepped down

15 years ago. Our Asia/Pacific editor Michael Bristow reports. When Mahathir Mohamad resigned after more than two decades as Malaysia'

s Prime Minister, he promised to leave politics entirely. Over the years though, he has often given his opinions. More recently, he'

s been drawn into national affairs because of his opposition to the current Prime Minister Najib Razak, who'

s been embroiled in a multibillion-dollar financial scandal. At parliamentary elections, Mr. Mahathir will stand for the opposition alliance, linking now with his old enemies and against his former Party to try to oust Mr. Najib. 马来西亚前总理马哈蒂尔・穆罕默德在92岁高龄再次入选总理候选人.他在15年前就已经下台,请听亚洲/太平洋问题编辑迈克尔・波斯特带来的报道.前总理马哈蒂尔・穆罕默德退休已经20多年了,他曾经承诺彻底退出政坛,在这些年里,他频繁发表政见.近日,因反对现任总理纳吉布・拉扎克而重新卷入国内事务,拉扎克被卷入了数十亿美元的金融丑闻中.在国会选举中,马哈蒂尔将代表反对党联盟和原来的政敌并肩作战,来反对自己原来的政党,将纳吉布推下台. Prosecutors in Vienna have drawn up charges against an Austrian teenager. He is alleged to have recruited a 12-year-old German boy over the Internet to carry out an attempted suicide bombing in 2016. With more here is our Europe regional editor Mike Sanders. The 55-page charge sheet sheds new light on a case that shocked Germany over a year ago. The Austrian teenager who is now

18 befriended the Germany-Iraqi boy on WhatsApp. He allegedly told the child how to make a device out of fireworks and nails. Twice, the boy tried unsuccessfully to blow it up in the German city of Ludwigshafen, targeting a Christmas market and a shopping mall. Forensic expert said it could have caused burns injuries. The boy is too young to be prosecuted. The teenager who is of Albanian descent said he had been radicalized while in detention for a mugging. 维也纳检察官起诉一名奥地利少年,在2016,他涉嫌通过网络指使12岁的德国少年进行自杀式炸弹袭击,但未能成功,请听欧洲事务编辑麦克・桑德斯的报道.一年多以前,这份长达55页的起诉书让这起震惊德国的案件更加清晰明了.这名奥地利青年现年18岁,在社交软件 WhatsApp 上认识了这名伊拉克裔德国男孩.据称,他曾告诉这名德国男孩如何用烟花和钉子制作炸弹.该男孩先后两次尝试在德国路德维希港的圣诞市场和商城里引爆炸弹.法医专家称这有可能造成烧伤.该男孩因年龄太小不能起诉,这名青少年是阿尔巴尼亚人后代,他表示他曾因抢劫而遭到监禁,在此期间他变得极端化. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said she is optimistic about achieving a good outcome in the five days of coalition-building talks that have begun in Berlin. She said her Christian Democrats and their Bavarian allies were determined to work swiftly and intensively with the Social Democrats, their former junior coalition partners. The Social Democratic leader Martin Schulz said he wouldn'

t rule anything out. We will be conducting the negotiations here constructively and with an open mind, but one thing is clear for the Social Democratic Party, we won'
