编辑: 达达恰西瓜 2019-07-04

中标后,我会奉上相关源文件. 作品如下: 1水龙头选购使用几点注意事项 1,Some important points that buying taps

1、在选购水龙头时需注意的是如果是进口品牌的水龙头,产品上都有进口说明.如果是国产品牌都有产品合格证,并标明产地、厂址.选购时关键要看手感,扳动开关要感觉轻柔、不费力,如手感发涩费力或过于轻飘,就说明装配结构不好.不同价格的水龙头在电镀质量上也有差异.一般来说,水龙头的主体原材料分为杂铜和纯铜,更高级的是铜镍混合材料.纯铜由于不容易腐蚀氧化,经过多次抛光后,有利于电镀,电镀质量也相对杂铜来说更好.另外,电镀厚度也是很讲究的.据了解,目前,水龙头电镀厚度的国际标准是8微米,最好的可达12微米.影响水龙头质量好坏的因素除原料外,生产模式和工艺程序也起到了决定性作用. 1. There are two types of tap. They are import brand and domestic brand. If they are import brand, there are some information about import. On the other hand, if they are domestic brand, there are product certisfication, the origin and the site of factory. In additon, the most important thing is handfeel. For example, you will feel soft and easy when you move the switch. However, if you feel difficulty and too ethereal when you move the switch, it appears that assembly structure is bad. Besides, there are some differences in the quality of electroplating because of different prices. In general, the main materials of tap are copper with impurities, copper, and the more advance is Copper nickel mixed material. Purity copper'

s quality of electroplating is better than copper with impurities'

, because it doesn'

t easy to corrosion oxidation, and it is in favour of electroplating through polish. Nowadays, tap'

s electroplating and the thickness of the international standard is

8 micron, and the best can achieve

12 micron. Besides, the type of production and technology procedure are also playing a decisive roles beside materials.

2、挑选水龙头与配件,应从以下几个方面来考虑: 2. When we select taps and accesories, we can think about some elements that as follows: a、首先是表面镀层的处理和质量. a. First, the quality and deal with plating in surface. b、龙头的主体应由青铜或黄铜铸造而成. b. The main part of a tap should be made of bronze and brass. c、龙头内部掣芯质量的好坏,直接决定了水龙头密合程度和使用寿命. c. Whether the quality of the core is good or bad, it can decides contact degree and lifespan. d、水龙头的把手活动范围应大一些. d. The handle of tap should expand scope. e、应选择出水量大工业、止水快的水龙头. e. Water yield should keep hign- emission f、具体选购龙头时要注意什么呢?首先,要搬动几下开关,查看各部件是否配合牢固、紧密.扭动开关时,手感轻柔的为好,如果手感费力发涩或轻飘,说明其装配结构不合理,这样的龙头在使用时不是出水不足,就是水压加大时漏水.所以,在选购时,一定要注意是否有包装、产地、检验合格证等. f. First, when we select a tap, we need move the switch. Then, checking accesories. As we move the switch, the handfeel is important. For instance, our handfeel should be soft. If we feel difficult to move or ethereal, it illustrates that the structure is unreasonable. It may leads to producting insufficient water and leaking when the pressure increased. Therefore, when we are choosing and purchasing, we must pay attention to packaging, origin, and inspection certification. g、购买时应索阅说明书和查看供顾客了解水龙头内部结构的样品,选择陶瓷芯阀的水龙头购买.一般来说,水龙头的掣芯主要由陶瓷片、垫圈、固定用透明胶圈及特制的不锈钢接合螺丝组件组成.陶瓷片是选用高耐用的陶瓷制造,两块瓷片紧贴在一起,即使60Bar水压,也应付自如,不会出现渗漏,使用起来更顺畅.垫圈方面,选用的矽垫圈可承受冷热水压而不渗漏,特制的不锈钢接合螺丝设计精密,避免了掣芯的确良接合过紧. g. We should read information about the tap and check out the sample that can make customers realize the tap'
